Tag Archives: own-memories

10 Favorite Stories of 2010: Brian’s Picks

Not surprisingly, It wasn’t so hard to compile numerous top 10 lists judging other people’s work in 2010. But karma caught up with me and I’ve now had to endure going through all of my own work from the latter half of this year. Whew! While the task is by its nature a little painful, it also served as a welcome reminder of how much I enjoy writing for this site, and also reading the ensuing feedback (even the cranky, venom-filled responses). So, here are my 10 favorite Movieline articles from 2010, which is based on a number of factors including my own memories and the feedback the articles provoked. Since it’s awkward enough for me to choose favorites from my own work, these are not in any particular order.

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10 Favorite Stories of 2010: Brian’s Picks