Tag Archives: paid-the-big

Alessandra Ambrosio in a Bikini …. Possibly with New Implants of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio wore a bikini on the beach because when you go to a beach that’s what people do…even though most of them shouldn’t. I’m talking about the mangled stomach girl I posted on my Facebook who was fat shamed for being fat..because when you’re fat you shouldn’t wear a bikini – even if legally you are allowed…no one wants to see it… One of the few people who have the VIP access card to wear a bikini pretty much anywhere…is a signed Victoria’s Secret model…because that stamp of approval is enough to say “I may be in my 30s, but we cool here, this bikini is something people pay to see, so consider yourself lucky to get it for free”…and I’m okay with that.. All this to say, if you’re a signed working model…you get a pass…all you other girls debating on what bikini to wear, maybe pass it by me first and I’ll let you know if you’re fit enough… TO SEE THE REST OF THE BIKONI PICS CLICK HERE In more Alesandra Ambrosio news, she wore a dress with her kid that showcased the roundest little tits in the history of tits…leading me to think she’s upgraded her implants because it’s that 10 year mark when you trade them in…and she didn’t feel like going with the tear drop shape, or keeping things as small as they were in the past…she went bigger and rounder…these things happen. Little known fact, most models have implants, so when you see your girl’s shitty tits, keep that in mind….the majority of the girls you jerk off to are plastic..and there is no merit in that…there is just a lot of money in it – cuz these bitches get paid… I guess she could be in a push up bra, but where’s the fun in that. I’m More into her silly breast implants CLICK HERE

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Alessandra Ambrosio in a Bikini …. Possibly with New Implants of the Day

Emmy Rossum Bikini Selfie of the Day

Emmy Rossum has been naked so many times on TV, that I really don’t think her bikini selfies matter. She’s up on the – “we’ve seen you simulate sex enough to know that you love your body and think you’re worth more than you are, since you get paid well and you are living the dream you always had as a young girl in a single mother household that taught you the right way to whore yourself to the top of the food chain, or at least as close as you can get, with the little talent you have”…kind of thing… Or maybe I am just hard on her because I want to see her in self produced sex tapes, after seeing her in simulated sex.

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Emmy Rossum Bikini Selfie of the Day

Amy Adams for Love Magazine of the Day

Amy Adams is in the recent issue of LOVE MAGAZINE that shared a cover with Kendall Jenner, which is probably depressing for an Academy Award nominated actress I’ve never really heard of, but people seem to dig, even though I think she looks like shit, but maybe that’s jus the nature of this photoshoot, you know a little grimy, that’s the look they are going for, because she’s an actress and actresses can take on any role…or maybe she’s just not that hot… The point is that it has that voyeuristic, creepy American Apparel vibe…that makes you feel like you’re with a bunch of silly girls acting silly thanks to the drugs…playful and posing like a bunch of crackheads…and for some reason that is far more erotic than something glam and pristine. I like dirty and run down…it’s all I know….thanks to sex with discounted women…something we all know Amy Adams isn’t but plays up nicely when in fashion magazines. That’s why she gets paid the big bucks.

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Amy Adams for Love Magazine of the Day

Johanna Lundback’s Bikini And Lingerie Pictures Will Blow Your Mind

If you guys remember, I’ve been a big fan of Johanna Lundback the last few times we saw her . I’m just not sure whether I like her better in a bikini or lingerie. Yes, it’s a hard life being a blogger and having to make tough choices like this. That kind of stress is why I get paid the big bucks. But luckily, I don’t have to make that call just yet, because I’ve found another massive collection of Johanna in both. So enjoy, just don’t try to figure out your favorite. Trust me, it’s impossible. » view all 100 photos

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Johanna Lundback’s Bikini And Lingerie Pictures Will Blow Your Mind

Human Statue Gets Even of the Day

If you’ve been on the internet today, you’ve probably seen this video of a Human Statue getting even on a heckler, who is going out of his way to annoy and test his Human Statue abilities…without realizing that anyone doing Human Statue performances is already at rock bottom, they’ve pretty much given the fuck up on life, cuz no one wants to paint themselves grey everyday to stand around and beg for change for their alcoholism…I mean we are talking the bottom of the barrel….barely a human in society…with nothing to live for….probably with a seeded past….and huge criminal record…making me think dude’s pretty lucky he wasn’t shanked…or dude didn’t try to eat his face off… I would side with the Human Statue…because let’s face it the heckler is a fucking asshole…but without an address….he barely registers as human to me….just a thug motherfucker….who doesn’t realize his job is to get harassed by people…that’s what he’s paid the big bucks for…when he signed up to this shit instead of getting are a real job….asshole…

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Human Statue Gets Even of the Day

Zahia Dehar is Some Teenage Slut in Some Soccer Scandal of the Day

I don’t do sports, but I do do prostitutes, so here’s the 18 whore behind a fun scandal involviving two top players of the French Soccer Team who hired her when she was 17 or even 16…in perfect time for World Cup… The funniest thing in all this is that prostitution is legal in France, it’s just illegal when the person is supposed to be at home playing with barbies or doing whatever else 16 year old girls do….and as much as I make jokes about 14 being legal here and fucking teenage girls as long as they are mature for their age…I’m not an idiot who actually does the shit…and really the 16 year olds who are putting out with anyone who isn’t their high school boyfriend…are usually dirtbag whores who you don’t want to have sex with anyway…and if you’re running after virgin pussy to live out some fantasy…you’re better off going for fat 30 year old bitches with cats…cuz teens aren’t virgins anymore…but losers will always be…. That said….here is the teen whore who’s pussy ruined these guys…one of them who was working out details of a 75,000,000 dollar contract before this whole going to jail shit came up. Idiots…. You need to remember pussy is the devil and pussy will ruin you…so never let pussy get the best of you…even if it offers you the opportunity to live out your fantasy…cuz after the 5 minutes you last are up…the whole thing seems a lot less exciting… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Zahia Dehar is Some Teenage Slut in Some Soccer Scandal of the Day

Miranda Kerr is the Boring Off-Duty Model of the Day

Miranda Kerr is the off duty model of the day and there’s nothing more depressing than seeing a model who made a name for herself being half naked in lingerie and bikinis wearing an evening gown like she’s not a fucking whore who gets half naked for money on a regular basis. It’s like she can class it up all she wants cuz she gets paid the big bucks, but all I see is a hooker buying herself designer clothes to justify why she is a fucking whore, and I guess it’s not all that bad, it’s just fucking boring, because I like to think that we are the reason she even gets the work she gets and she owes us for caring and in owing us she should step up her fucking game and get fucking naked…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Miranda Kerr is the Boring Off-Duty Model of the Day

Kim Kardashian Is Feeling Kinda Old

Kim Kardashian has been celebrating her birthday in style. “I lived it up at Tao in Las Vegas over the weekend, then New Orleans had a special birthday celebration for me.”