In a reality TV franchise famous for shining a spotlight on some atrociously unfit fathers, Tyler Baltierra has been a welcome change of pace for over a decade. Catelynn Lowell's husband has long been a favorite of Teen Mom OG fans, particularly after they witnessed the way he supported his wife during her struggles with PTSD. And Tyler's strength in the face of such difficulties is all the more impressive due to the considerable traumas he's suffered himself — traumas that he opened up about in a surprisingly candid interview . Take a look: 1. The Face of Courage Throughout his time on Teen Mom OG, Tyler has been admirably forthcoming about his painful past. 2. Tough Times While Tyler has never blamed his parents for his present difficulties, he’s been open about the fact that he grew up in an unstable household and has carried his childhood scars into adulthood. 3. A Supporting Role Of course, Tyler’s struggles often receive less attention from TMOG fans and producers than those of his wife, Catelynn Lowell. 4. The Strong, Silent Type And that’s probably quite alright by Tyler, who generally seems to put his family ahead of himself. 5. Opening Up But while he doesn’t thirst for attention like so many reality stars, Tyler also doesn’t shy away from sharing the most intimate and painful details of his life. 6. Moral Duty “I feel, with my platform, I have a moral obligation to help people,” Tyler once remarked, and in talking about the pain of his childhood sexual traumas, he’s attempting to do exactly that. View Slideshow
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Tyler Baltierra Opens Up About Childhood Sexual Trauma