Tag Archives: paralysis

Rock Salt Hold Up for Instagram of the Day

So…the story is pretty funny… A dude shovelling his stairs gets held up at gunpoint for his rocksalt…he calls the police and they find out that it is all in part of a silly prank some dude is doing for his instagram…you know to get himself famous and build followers…or even to end up on Worldstar because the world is fucking doomed and that is is all young people think matters in the life I hope he gets arrested. Because I am all for people paying for their internet crimes…especially with they involve robbing people at gunpoint for stupid things…that as a concept is a pretty good prank… STORY HERE

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Rock Salt Hold Up for Instagram of the Day

The Laziest Woman Ever of the Day

This is a 57 year old woman from the UK who has dreamed about being paralyzed since she was a kid. She even went as far as trying to hurt herself throughout her life hoping to get paralyzed forever, that she’s failed at up until now, but she’s trying to get surgery to make herself parazlyzed, but can’t afford the 25,000 dollars, which I call bullshit on, since 25,000 dollars is really not that much to spend a lifetime saving to achieve your one fucking dream… Instead, she cries for attention by living life in a wheel chair, pretending to be paralyzed and I guess she’s got people around her facilitating that, instead of calling her out…for being too lazy to go downstairs to get the laundry…it’s like “I can’t do the dishes, I’m fake paralyzed”…shut the fuck up.. The good news is that she doesn’t let her paralysis get in the way of a good ski day. What a fucking joke.

See the article here:
The Laziest Woman Ever of the Day

Paralyzed Motocross Racer Learns To Ride Again [VIDEO]

Originally posted here:

This has to be one of the most inspirational videos I’ve seen. It just goes to show you that if you get knocked down in…

Paralyzed Motocross Racer Learns To Ride Again [VIDEO]