Tag Archives: parent-usually

Is Your Child’s Fashion A No-No?

When you think back to when you were a child, figuring out what to wear and how you would walk out the door everyday was pretty simple—because your parent usually dressed you, right? I know when I went to school as a tyke, my fashions usually matched those of the black girls around me: bright windbreaker suits, big twists and braids with colorfully animated barettes, maybe a light up shoe or two. No one was overly eclectic until late junior high, when your parent stopped pulling and picking out your fits everyday. But nowadays, it seems kids, the younger the kids are, the more control they are getting over what they put on everyday. And many are wondering if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. ( Continued at MadameNoire.com )

See the article here:
Is Your Child’s Fashion A No-No?