Tag Archives: parents-jumped

A Queens Story: Nas & Salaam Remi’s 10 Greatest Collaborations

You already know Nas. Top five dead or alive on just about everyone’s list, unless you get a kick out of being a contrarian. If you don’t know Salaam Remi, is a world renowned producer du jour whose Hip-Hop cred goes all the way back to producing Zhigge’s self-titled debut album in ’92 (even further if you count playing piano on Kurtis Blow’s Kingdom Blow in ’86)… Continue

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A Queens Story: Nas & Salaam Remi’s 10 Greatest Collaborations

There’s No Place Like Home: Adult Kids Living At Home On The Rise….And You’ll Never Guess Which Race Is Worse…

Get yo ish….and get out! Study Shows That Adult Children Living At Home Are On The Rise All you anti-post racial society folks might want to stop reading here. Cause this study doesn’t point the finger at any specific race….it says adult children in America are pretty much equal opportunity freeloaders . Whether in their 20s or 30s, black or white, in the West or Northeast, adult kids find there’s no place like home when their finances are in a tailspin or their relationships in shambles. The number of young adults ages 20 to 34 who lived with their parents jumped from 17% in 1980 to 24% in 2007-09 — the Great Recession— according to a detailed analysis out today. The rise was sharpest among those under 25 — a new high of 43% vs. 32% in 1980 — but it increased largely across the board. Even among 30- to 34-year-olds, nearly one in 10 lived with parents. “This ‘Great Recession’ has had tremendous effects that previous smaller recessions did not,” says Zhenchao Qian, a sociology professor at Ohio State University and the author of the report for the US2010 Project, which studies trends in American society. “The surprise mostly is that it’s increasing for every group.” The only segment not affected: young adults with graduate degrees. The share living with parents has stayed at 8% since 1980. Do you agree with this study? Should parents put their foot down and kick their adult children to the curb more often? Source Image via Shutterstock

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There’s No Place Like Home: Adult Kids Living At Home On The Rise….And You’ll Never Guess Which Race Is Worse…