Tag Archives: parking-garage

Can Great Design Redeem the Parking Garage?

Image Courtesy of: archdaily.com Parking garages are generally considered to be a necessary evil: necessary because everyone drives; evil because they are usually drab, ugly concrete structures that take up valuable urban space. Yet in recent years, architects and designers have been working to counter this view , by adding solar panels, giving preference to hybrid cars , and g… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Can Great Design Redeem the Parking Garage?

Quote of the Day: Robert Stern on When All Architecture is Green Architecture

Robert Stern is Dean of the Yale School of Architecture, discussing sustainable design in Environment Yale. UTNE Reader picks up the story and illustrates it with….. a parking garage? “I don’t think sustainability is a design aesthetic, any more than having electricity in your building, or telephones, or anything else,” says Ster… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Quote of the Day: Robert Stern on When All Architecture is Green Architecture

Avatar = Pocahontas, The Trailer

An exploration of how similar these movies really are. [ Ed Note : Whatever. I liked it better when all of the characters were blue.] (Via Vimeo .) The Best Links: ‘Avatar’: ‘Pocahontas’ With Blue People [PIC] Watch

Congresswoman’s Abandoned Car

After being defeated for reelection in 2006, Rep. Melissa Hart (R-PA) just up and left her old Volkswagen Jetta in a parking garage used by members of Congress. Meaning, our congresspeople write things like, “I wish my wife was this dirty,” or, “F-ing wash me!” on dirty car windows. You people are a bunch of goddamn third graders! The Best Links: Defeated congresswoman’s car still in House parking lot — more than 3 years later — even though she’s a registered lobbyist She’s now, naturally, a lobbyist. View