Southern Charm is one of Bravo's most captivating shows. These wealthy southerners in Charleston, South Carolina air their dirty laundry before the cameras. Their drama, their escapades, their lifestyles, and their ridiculous personalities make for some amazing entertainment. But how much, exactly, do the stars of Southern Charm actually get paid for their trouble? A lot of them make the same amount, but there are a few special cases worth mentioning. And, thanks to a report by RadarOnline , we have the details. Check it out: 1. Starring on a reality show is work The Southern Charm cast already have money. Like Real Housewives, the cast is chosen in part for its affluence. But how much do you have to pay a group of dramatic rich people to air their dirty laundry? 2. How much is, say, Chelsea Meissner paid? According to RadarOnline, ALL of the stars of Southern Charm are paid the same, flat rate of $25,000. But it’s a little complicated for a few of them. 3. So … what is that, per season? Southern Charm airs 15 episodes per season. So at $25,000 for a single episodes, that’s $375,000 in a season. Not bad for Cameran Eubanks and her costars, though some Real Housewives rake in over $1 million per season. 4. Yes, this even applies to Craig Conover Conover, who talks like a frat guy at times … and acts like a frat guy at times … is a reformed playboy who is back to his old tricks again. He is paid $25,000 per episode to just be himself on camera. 5. Kathryn Dennis is in the same boat She makes $25,000. But a couple of others, however, are special cases. 6. Shep Rose is where things get complicated Don’t get us wrong, Shep makes the same $25,000 per episode as everyone else. BUT he also has something else going for him, and we don’t just mean his inexplicable Owen Wilson vibe. View Slideshow
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Southern Charm: How Much Are the Stars Paid?