Patton Oswalt may never get over the passing of his wife … … And quite frankly, we might not ever get over Oswalt not ever getting over his wife’s death. In a new interview, Oswalt broke his silence about his wife, Michelle McNamara’s, death , and the details about her passing are extremely upsetting. Patton told The NY Times that he’ll “never be 100% again,” and that his suspicions of his wife’s death are mostly directed toward an overdose. Though the coroner has not yet revealed the official cause of death, Patton believes his wife did, indeed, die of a drug overdose. “I have a feeling it might have been an overdose,” he said, and claimed that McNamara had taken Xanax before going to bed. “That’s what the paramedics there were saying while I was screaming and throwing up.” Are you screaming and throwing up yet, or just crying, like us? Oswalt said that at 9:40 AM the next day, he left a cup of coffee on his wife’s nightstand, as she was still asleep and lightly snoring. He claimed he returned to the room just before 1 PM, and found McNamara unresponsive , and after he called 911, said that paramedics pronounced her dead when they arrived. Oswalt said that he was so emotionally and mentally distraught, that he thought he was dreaming. “I was literally blinking, trying to get out of this,” he said. The worst was yet to come, however: telling his daughter, Alice. Oswalt admitted that he’d turned to drinking in the months since his wife’s passing. “I found out the hard way these past few months that alcohol really doesn’t help,” he admitted. “Depression is more seductive,” he said. “Its tool is: ‘Wouldn’t it be way more comfortable to stay inside and not deal with people?’ ” he asked. “Grief is an attack on life,” Patton continued. “It’s not a seducer. It’s an ambush or worse.” “It stands right out there and says ‘The minute you try something, I’m waiting for you.’ ” If that isn’t completely heartbreaking and day-ruining – life ruining, in Patton’s case – then we don’t really know what is. We’re at a loss for words, but appreciate that even through his pain, Oswalt can express himself so beautifully. Heavens. RIP, Michelle McNamara . View Slideshow: 22 Celebrities Who Died from an Overdose
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Patton Oswalt on Wife’s Death: I Think She Overdosed