Tag Archives: paying-experts

Rachel McAdams Tits in a Green Dress of the Day

So I was getting emails that my site was hacked, so I decided to be a hero to try to figure it out myself, you know cuz getting off my couch or paying experts isn’t really an option and I like to help the betterment of man if betterment is even a word…maybe it’s gooderness but I don’t think that’s a word either…. In my drunken stupod, I decided my pictures were causing a problem, so I deleted important files that made the site work…blaming my webhost for not helping me….calling my friend the coder….before finding out that I was in fact the cause…. I’ve always known I was self destructive, but to think I destroyed this movement of 3 retards I started in a matter of minutes has given me a new outlet for my anger….shit I’m gonna delete files, rename files, I’m gonna hack myself, it’s gonna be a new way to entertain myself… It’s fixed now, and here are Rachel McAdams, some Canadian Hero and her perky tits on her press tour to celebrate…..

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Rachel McAdams Tits in a Green Dress of the Day