We live in a world where hot cam girls post pics of butt plugs in their ass on TWITTER… What the hell do we need an instagram influencer that really has no influence…but that calls herself an influencer…because she’s got pervert followers into her bikini pics… But America has their priorities all fucked up and confused, focused on things that don’t matter, fighting over a government that no matter what side you are on are taxing crooks out to fuck you over and benefit themselves… Like overthrow the government, collectively stop paying taxes, instead of waiting around to see who raped who in the 80s when getting a girl drunk to fuck was considered foreplay…get a fucking grip… So America, instead of celebrating the cam girl with her buttplug in her ass, because that’s porno, on twitter, publicly traded PORNO… Are casting these bolt on tits for their dance show in hopes that some of her fans, who actually don’t give a fuck about her, will tune in and watch her dance… This is their attempt to go viral, her attempt to go legit, when all she is is a cam girl who should be putting buttplugs in her ass on twitter…cuz that’ll get you banned off instagram…. She has a lot of followers, they just don’t give a fuck about her, hence why she barely matters…we just like seeing her half naked…so here she is half naked…and retarded looking, fetal alcohol syndrome looking, dopey eyed looking…. Some influencers have influence. People care. Most are just followed cuz they get naked. Figure it out ABC…you’re a billion dollar company hire some people who can figure these things out for you…fucking as retarded as Alexis Ren’s retarded looking eyes. Here is her slutty Dancing with the Stars promo JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits Getting Wet of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits Getting Wet of the Day