Tag Archives: performed-badly

Esme Bianco Full Frontal in Some Stephen McClure Shoot of the Day

Esme Bianco is some UK burlesque dancer, because apparently burlesque still exists, even if it is one of the dumbest things to watch, and usually performed badly by fat chicks. You probably know her from Game of Thrones, a show I’ve never seen, because I am uncomfortable with dragons, midgets and wizard shit. It just reminds me of virgin losers too much. I assume that if she’s on the show, she’s one of the girls getting naked….so this nude full frontal in a photoshoot looking amazing…may not be all that wild and exciting for you…but it is for me. I’ve posted Her tits on TV Before , but this is better.

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Esme Bianco Full Frontal in Some Stephen McClure Shoot of the Day