Tag Archives: philly-projects

JoJo Uses Her Tits To Try Again of the Day

I call this “jailbait everyone wanted until she turned 18, trying to make a comeback by showing titty”…. Here’s her story….she was 16, she had a hit song, every pervert wanted to fuck her cuz she looked 12, she turned 18, everyone forgot about her, she didn’t have any other commercial success, and she did what ever unwanted white girl does: she emotionally ate…and she ended up where every fat girl with issues ends up: fucking black dudes…but not the kind of black dudes who can help her get more famous like Jay-Z, but black dudes who live in the philly projects she grew up in…. But all that’s behind her, I mean everything bit the black dude thing, cuz once you go black you never go back, cuz here she is at the BET awards letting us know she’s been doing sit ups and got a push up bra and ready for a comeback… I wonder if the name of her next single is – “At first you don’t succeed -cuz your pedo audience moves on, get fat, fuck a black dude then do some sit-ups and try, try again….” To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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JoJo Uses Her Tits To Try Again of the Day