Tag Archives: photo-agencies

Charlotte McKinney is Hilarious of the Day

Anyone who knows anything about the paparazzi, know that these girls call freelance photographers who work for the photo agencies, they meet up, shake hands, then do the cheesiest fucking poses in as slutty a way as possible – hoping all the blogs that are basic, starved for content, looking for babe content will post them…. It’s really the only reason a girl like Charlotte McKinney has a career, or is known, or gets featured on anything. She hustles. I don’t know if she’s the first nobody to book a show called “dancing with the stars”, but she wasn’t a star when she booked the show called “dancing with the stars”…and she sure as fuck isn’t one now… But her tits, have got her noticed, have been milked and probably also covered in a lot of cum throughout her 5 minutes of fame…which is saying a lot, because her face makes me think she was destined to be a Florida cocktail waitress but instead…she’s doing deep stretches on the beach for the paparazzi like she’s Jacki Onasis or some shit, only far more ghetto, thirsty, pathetic….and BUSTY…busty is what matters…even though she’s trying to show off her ass… What a joke..a joke that works…because tits get hits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney is Hilarious of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney is Hilarious of the Day

Will the Constant Attention Ruin Jersey Shore? [Shore Thing]

Jersey Shore turned out to be a major cash cow for MTV, club promoters, photo agencies, and any innocent bystander who a cast member happened to attack. But now that everyone wants a piece, will they bleed it dry? More