Everybody knows that if there is one thing racist wanksters detest, it’s an “uppity negro”! Rush Limbaugh offered up his stinkin’ opinion on why our girl Chelly-O was booed at that NASCAR event saying them good ol’ All-American folk who are into car racing don’t like the First Lady for her “uppity” ways. SMH: Rush Limbaugh accused Michelle Obama of “uppity-ism” during his Monday show. Limbaugh was speaking about the First Lady’s recent reception at a NASCAR event, where both she and Jill Biden were booed by the crowd. He said it was not surprising that she was booed, because the crowd at NASCAR resented her healthy eating initiatives and her husband’s policies. “What the hell is there to cheer for?” Limbaugh asked. He said that people also didn’t like “paying millions of dollars” for Obama’s vacations. “They understand it’s a little bit of a waste,” he said. “They understand it’s a little bit of uppity-ism.” Michelle Obama has been a frequent target of Limbaugh’s. Previously, he has said she “doesn’t look like” she eats healthy foods, and criticized a trip she took to Target. Listen to his comments below: This joker is such a jerk. Calling our First Lady Moo-Chelle??? WTF is wrong with him. So freakin’ disrespectful. More On Bossip! Nick Cannon Says He’s Been The Target Of Racial Profiling… Plus New Pics Of Dembabies!!! Photoshop Hell: The Worst, Most Hilariously Bad Album Covers Of All Time Where The Other Side Stays: The 10 Up-And-Coming Destinations For Celebrities To Live
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Ho Sit Down: Rush Limbaugh Accuses Michelle Obama Of Uppity-ism