Tag Archives: pirro-as-well

Egyptian anti-military activist Maikel Nabil rejects pardon


Read more from the original source:

Al Jazeera summarizes its video this way: “Maikel Nabil, one of Egypt’s most outspoken voices against the ruling military council, has given his first live television interview to Al Jazeera, just days after being pardoned and released from prison. Nabil said he rejected the pardon from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and that anyone who mistreated him during his roughly 10 months in prison… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 28/01/2012 17:52 Number of articles : 3

Egyptian anti-military activist Maikel Nabil rejects pardon

Fox’s Jeanine Pirro REFUSES to play softball with Sarah Palin, and treats her like the no nothing, moron that we all know her to be. Awesome interview!


Original post:

Click the image to watch interview The first thing that I noticed during the beginning of this interview was that Palin’s wig seemed to be sitting too far back on her head. (I assume that Bristol, the ” cosmetologist ,” had trouble wrestling the beast onto Snowdrift Snooki’s pointy dome.) And I may be imagining things, but I swear that it bothered Pirro as well. She seems to shake her OWN hair a few… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Immoral Minority Discovery Date : 29/01/2012 03:55 Number of articles : 2

Fox’s Jeanine Pirro REFUSES to play softball with Sarah Palin, and treats her like the no nothing, moron that we all know her to be. Awesome interview!