Tag Archives: most-outspoken

Casey Anthony to Leave U.S. For Costa Rica?

Casey Anthony wants to leave Florida as soon as legally possible and is eyeing a move to the central American paradise of Costa Rica, according to reports. Anthony has been in hiding since she was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but has recently been making forays back into the public. Virtually unrecognizable due to the amount of weight she has gained sitting around doing nothing, she is soon planning on leaving the U.S., and for good. She would have fled already, but Anthony is on probation for one year after pleading guilty to check fraud and is required to live in Florida during that time. Once Casey’s probation ends later this summer, she plans on ditching the sunshine state for Costa Rica. She is “counting the days,” according to sources. “She has been researching countries that she could move to and Costa Rica is at the top of the list,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online . “Casey wants to live in a tropical setting and the cost of living is extremely low in Costa Rica. She wants to put as much distance as possible from Florida.” “She feels this is the best possibly place to start a new life. Costa Rica also appeals to her because Americans are warmly embraced by the locals.” Not sure that applies to accused child-murderers, but whatever. There’s one additional holdup, of course. She is still being sued by Zanaida Gonzalez for defamation after Casey said a woman with that name kidnapped Caylee. According to reports, Casey Anthony is “annoyed” and dreading that she has to testify at the upcoming trial, even if she can blame only herself.

Casey Anthony to Leave U.S. For Costa Rica?

Miley Cyrus Takes Anti-Homophobia Stance on Twitter

One of Hollywood’s most outspoken supporters of gay marriage and LGBT equality, Miley Cyrus has taken to Twitter to once again stand up for this important cause. Cyrus – who actually wrote an editorial on the issue and also has a tattoo that expresses her beliefs – posted a photo on the social network yesterday that includes a close-up of her “favorite accessory of the day.” Along with this button, Miley included the hashtag #stopspreadinhate . Love Miley or hate Miley – and THG has certainly taken issue with some of her wardrobe choices and transparent attempts to break free from her Hannah Montana persona – you’ve gotta admire a celebrity for taking a controversial stand. Cyrus also did so last month when she said parents ought to talk to their kids about sex .

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Miley Cyrus Takes Anti-Homophobia Stance on Twitter

Egyptian anti-military activist Maikel Nabil rejects pardon


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Al Jazeera summarizes its video this way: “Maikel Nabil, one of Egypt’s most outspoken voices against the ruling military council, has given his first live television interview to Al Jazeera, just days after being pardoned and released from prison. Nabil said he rejected the pardon from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and that anyone who mistreated him during his roughly 10 months in prison… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 28/01/2012 17:52 Number of articles : 3

Egyptian anti-military activist Maikel Nabil rejects pardon