Don’t be fooled by the red carpet appearances with Kanye West … or the revealing magazine covers … or the fact that she gave the following interview while hosting a pool party in Las Vegas. Kim Kardashian swears she’s all about maintaining her privacy these days! “I’ve kind of tried to adjust my life to have a little more private life,” Kardashian told People , A NATIONAL MAGAZINE, over the weekend. “My life is very public and so I get that, but if you can choose to have a little bit of a private life I would choose that over other things now, where I probably wouldn’t have before.” While Kim didn’t mention West, nor any of the rumors that they may move in together , she did tell the publication that she’s doing better than ever. “Life is good,” she said. “I’m super relaxed.” And annoying, she forget to add. Super, super, super annoying. [Photo:]
Casey Anthony wants to leave Florida as soon as legally possible and is eyeing a move to the central American paradise of Costa Rica, according to reports. Anthony has been in hiding since she was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but has recently been making forays back into the public. Virtually unrecognizable due to the amount of weight she has gained sitting around doing nothing, she is soon planning on leaving the U.S., and for good. She would have fled already, but Anthony is on probation for one year after pleading guilty to check fraud and is required to live in Florida during that time. Once Casey’s probation ends later this summer, she plans on ditching the sunshine state for Costa Rica. She is “counting the days,” according to sources. “She has been researching countries that she could move to and Costa Rica is at the top of the list,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online . “Casey wants to live in a tropical setting and the cost of living is extremely low in Costa Rica. She wants to put as much distance as possible from Florida.” “She feels this is the best possibly place to start a new life. Costa Rica also appeals to her because Americans are warmly embraced by the locals.” Not sure that applies to accused child-murderers, but whatever. There’s one additional holdup, of course. She is still being sued by Zanaida Gonzalez for defamation after Casey said a woman with that name kidnapped Caylee. According to reports, Casey Anthony is “annoyed” and dreading that she has to testify at the upcoming trial, even if she can blame only herself.
Casey Anthony wants to leave Florida as soon as legally possible and is eyeing a move to the central American paradise of Costa Rica, according to reports. Anthony has been in hiding since she was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, but has recently been making forays back into the public. Virtually unrecognizable due to the amount of weight she has gained sitting around doing nothing, she is soon planning on leaving the U.S., and for good. She would have fled already, but Anthony is on probation for one year after pleading guilty to check fraud and is required to live in Florida during that time. Once Casey’s probation ends later this summer, she plans on ditching the sunshine state for Costa Rica. She is “counting the days,” according to sources. “She has been researching countries that she could move to and Costa Rica is at the top of the list,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online . “Casey wants to live in a tropical setting and the cost of living is extremely low in Costa Rica. She wants to put as much distance as possible from Florida.” “She feels this is the best possibly place to start a new life. Costa Rica also appeals to her because Americans are warmly embraced by the locals.” Not sure that applies to accused child-murderers, but whatever. There’s one additional holdup, of course. She is still being sued by Zanaida Gonzalez for defamation after Casey said a woman with that name kidnapped Caylee. According to reports, Casey Anthony is “annoyed” and dreading that she has to testify at the upcoming trial, even if she can blame only herself.
Bay Area rapper was joined onstage by V-Nasty. By Paul Cantor Kreayshawn (file) Photo: Johnny Nunez/ WireImage NEW YORK — On Wednesday, while premiering their video for “Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie” on, the Red Hot Chili Peppers said they decided to scrap the version of the video that was originally directed by Bay Area rapper Kreayshawn — she of “Gucci Gucci” fame — and go with something that they felt was more “them.” If the news caused any damage to the budding female MC’s ego, it didn’t show last night. She was warmly embraced by a Big Apple crowd at the Highline Ballroom, her first official performance in New York City. Diminutive and wiry, Kreayshawn burst onto the stage at 10:45, after the audience was treated to opening sets by rappers Moe Green, Roach Gigz, Phony Ppl and finally, Smoke DZA. Despite the openers, the energy in the venue initially remained icy. It resembled something of a showcase, with people anxious to see if the controversial rapper — who’s up for a Best New Artist award at the 2011 VMAs — could hold her own in front of a feisty and oft-critical New York audience. Speculation also abounded about whether or not her White Girl Mob counterpart V-Nasty would let loose with a barrage of N-words, as she’s recently come under fire for doing. Kreayshawn didn’t seem swayed, though. Clad in a white Bathing Ape T-shirt, mom jeans and a colorful snapback cap, she squealed — often inaudibly, but not without a distinguishable melisma — over the backing vocal tracks of lesser-known cuts from her Kittys x Choppas mixtape (“Wavey”), and newer, unreleased material (“Left Eye”). Playful, petite and most of all, entertaining, she gingerly marauded from one end of the stage to the other. The energy was turned up a notch, however, when V-Nasty took the stage. Donning a retro Charlotte Hornets cap, a plain white T-shirt and jeans, she tore into cuts from her Don’t Bite Just Taste mixtape, and then played Thelma to Kreayshawn’s Louise for the rest of the show. The show’s climax, however, came when Kreay explored her most popular tunes. The opening synth blurps of “Bumpin Bumpin” got the entire crowd’s hands in the air, and then her DJ, Two Stacks, dropped the beat for “Gucci Gucci.” The audience sang back each line to Kreayshawn, while a random person walked onstage and took a courageous stage dive. “Why there only guys up here?” Kreayshawn questioned, as the beat was halted. “I need a bad bitch up here.” Her request went unmet, but that didn’t stop the crowd from singing the song a capella until its end. She parted the stage amidst a dance party, singing the lyrics to Alexander O’Neal’s 1985 hit “Saturday Love.” It was a fitting, celebratory close to a night on which New York finally gave one of hip-hop’s most controversial new artists its nod of approval. Related Artists Kreayshawn