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Ray Charles’ Mistress Brags About Stealing His Cash & Aborting Baby

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Ray Charles alleged mistress Marci Soto, has penned a memoir entitled “Ray & Me,” where she dishes some very private secrets and even admits to robbing the blind soul star! Soto writes that even though the pair were both married to other people when they met in 1968, they carried on a steamy affair for years, only ending in 1997, when she grew tired of his womanizing, although they reconnected close to the end of Ray’s life in 2004. In the memoir, obtained by Globe Magazine , Soto writes of stealing money from Charles, substituting $1 bills for $100s that he brought home from one of his concerts. She writes, “I certainly didn’t feel like I was robbing the blind. I felt like he was ready to do something he should have done years earlier – pay off my house.” And if that wasn’t enough to tell you what sort of a person Soto boasts of being, she also admits to aborting his baby, and never telling him. “I didn’t even tell Ray – there was no reason to know. I definitely wasn’t having a baby.” SMH! What a lovely woman. Not only did she carry on an affair with a married man, but she stole from him, expected him to pay her bills and aborted his child without telling him. And now she is trying to make more money off her association with him, even after his death, by selling private secrets. Classy. NBA Player Kevin Garnett’s Wife Confronts His Jumpoff Did NBA Player Steve Nash’s Teammate Father His Wife’s Black Baby? Video Vixen Claims She Was Carmelo Anthony’s Jumpoff

Ray Charles’ Mistress Brags About Stealing His Cash & Aborting Baby