Tag Archives: popular-model

Kendall Jenner’s Uncensored Vogue Japan Picture of the Day

WHo fucking cares…I don’t know if this is legitimately the uncensored Vogue Japan picture of Kendall Jenner, who is the covergirl of Vogue Japan… It’s very possible that some lonely, sad, virgin loser…no not me….sat on photoshop, trying to get it perfect, so that the nipples he pasted on would go viral, for people to think they are Kendall nipples, and so they jerk off to Kendall nipples, when really the nipples were cut and paste from a dude and stretched out…. She got her nipples from her daddy…Caitlin… She got her career from her mom’s relentless, gets what she wants, hooker turned mom of 100 persuasiveness…you know 40 years in LA fucking rich guys and guys who think they are women has her dialed in… She got her ability to whore herself from every woman in her family, it’s their thing.. She got her celebrity from middle America fascinated by this family…because I guess where there are from the brown people don’t have mansions…and it’s fascinating to them and their Walmart jobs… So if these are her nipples, in the free the nipple era, they don’t matter..they are just nipples, even though I like sucking nipples when I cum… If these are some weird pervert with a computer, no friends, and a lot of time on his hands, because thursday in some small down is just like any other horrible day… You’ll find a way to jerk off to it, I believe in you. The post Kendall Jenner’s Uncensored Vogue Japan Picture of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner’s Uncensored Vogue Japan Picture of the Day

Andreea Diaconu Nipples for Vogue Paris of the Day

Andreea Diaconu is labeled one of the most popular model from Romania…because all the other models from Romania look like this: You know Gypsies, who train bears and to balance on balls, for their traveling carnivals…Which we all know isn’t true, because we all watch webcam models masturbate for us and a solid percentage of those Eastern European in the basements like the sex workers they are…when they aren’t trying to be bought by Americans for citizenship… She started modeling at 13…sounds wholesome…like working at an ice cream shop or a summer camp…only more naked…amongst perverts… She also dated Jack Gyllenhaal, even though he’s a faggot rich kid… And now her big nipples are in Vogue…I guess Dreams do come true..for some people…if they are pretty enough…they can save their sex work for behind closed doors with rich people…as all models do… GOOD TIMES… The post Andreea Diaconu Nipples for Vogue Paris of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Andreea Diaconu Nipples for Vogue Paris of the Day