Tag Archives: post-the-photos

The Swirl: SMH At These Folks Acting Astonished That Chinese Men Are Now Wifing Up African Women!

Asian women getting chop down action or even getting wifed up by brothers is nothing new, but some folks are acting brand new about the so-called phenomenon of Chinese men marrying African women. One of our faithful readers sent us this post on ChinaSmack.com about Chinese men wifing up African women and we found some of the comments disturbing: Chinese women marrying blacks is no longer something rare, whereas in comparison men very rarely dare to bring black girls back home to China. I won’t say anything and go ahead and post the photos. In my neighborhood is a Chinese engineer who returned from Angola, and his wife is a black girl. However, she’s one of those very pretty high-end black girls. She’s very slender and not one of those fat auntie types. Her skin also isn’t the kind of oily/greasy black but rather black-brownish and more brown. They have two children, about five or six years old, twin boys. As for their appearance, unfortunately, the father’s genes were really too strong. Aside from their skin being slightly darker, their faces look very much like their daddy. Large-scale marrying of African women can effectively solve China’s male-female sex-ratio imbalance problem! More photos and comments on the next page…

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The Swirl: SMH At These Folks Acting Astonished That Chinese Men Are Now Wifing Up African Women!