Tag Archives: posting-sleazy

Ashley Sky for Buffalo Jeans of the Day

Ashley Sky is an awkward runway model… SHE DID A RUNWAY SHOW IN A MESH TOP ALL WOBBLY AND SHIT …but I think she’s a big enough deal to talk about. I mean she’s even SHOT WITH TERRY RICHARDSON …she’s done magazines, she’s booked campaigns, she’s done all kind of bullshit and it’s all because of a big instagram. Pretty crazy…but fantastic because it has encouraged average average girl with fake tits to post sleazy pics for the sake of posting sleazy pics – hoping to get famous like Ashley Sky. I think this is an old campaign. I’ve seen the billboards. But her nipples make all that irrelevant and worth posting again…because two nipples in one week makes me think she may be recently single and out to prove that she didn’t need the man who made her and invested in her to really make her…she can do it on her own…with her nipples and that god for that…

See original here:
Ashley Sky for Buffalo Jeans of the Day

Nicki Minaj Selfies of the Day

Nothing says Thanksgiving like Nicki Minaj posing in Selfies showing off her tits like they matter…because like all tits..they do matter to someone out there..I was never a fan of Nicki Minaj, I used to find her a fat Gaga try hard with shitty music, but for some reason, a reason I call love, she’s grown on me…and every tit pic she posts I like her better..I think there’s something admirable about a girl just trying to get ahead even when she’s’ already ahead…by posting sleazy pics to the internet intentionally…sure it’s bottom feeding shit…but it means she’s in the right headspace.

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Nicki Minaj Selfies of the Day