Tag Archives: time-on-home

Ashley Sky for Buffalo Jeans of the Day

Ashley Sky is an awkward runway model… SHE DID A RUNWAY SHOW IN A MESH TOP ALL WOBBLY AND SHIT …but I think she’s a big enough deal to talk about. I mean she’s even SHOT WITH TERRY RICHARDSON …she’s done magazines, she’s booked campaigns, she’s done all kind of bullshit and it’s all because of a big instagram. Pretty crazy…but fantastic because it has encouraged average average girl with fake tits to post sleazy pics for the sake of posting sleazy pics – hoping to get famous like Ashley Sky. I think this is an old campaign. I’ve seen the billboards. But her nipples make all that irrelevant and worth posting again…because two nipples in one week makes me think she may be recently single and out to prove that she didn’t need the man who made her and invested in her to really make her…she can do it on her own…with her nipples and that god for that…

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Ashley Sky for Buffalo Jeans of the Day

Nina Agdal Sweaty Cleavage of the Day

Nina Agdal may not have a good face…she looks like she’s handicapped to me…but she has sweaty tits…and feels the need to show her fan base the sweaty tits because I guess it’s her to get a little attention in these happy times knowing that she didn’t Marry Adam Levine…who he dated during his break-up with his now crazy wife who got him and who thanks to Nina Agdal’s personality…he went back to and decided to settle with…making me think if she’s not good enough for Adam Levine..she’s not good enough for life…since he’s the fucking worst…but her sweaty tits make me think she’s not all bad…there’s good to her..just don’t look past her neck. TO SEE PICS OF HER IN BIKINIS CLICK HERE

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Nina Agdal Sweaty Cleavage of the Day

Ashley Benson at the Hardware Store of the Day

Ashley Benson went to the hardware store…and some motherfucker went nuts with their iPhone and sold the pics to the paparazzi…or maybe this was the paparazzi that followed her into the hardware store…because seeing a dumpy bitch by tools, or supplies, to hang her fucking paintings in her million dollar home is erotic to them…it’s like she could hire someone to do it for her, but she’s normal, since 90 percent of people I talk to would have no fucking clue who she is, since Pretty Little Liars….reaches the demographic that kids and perverts who like kids are into… That said, I prefer when she’s tanning topless and the paparazzi get creepy pics …to hardware store creepy pics…even if nothing she does is that exciting…even starring in a much anticipated movie last year…wearing nothing but a bikini..didn’t get her viral..maybe she just needs to spend less time on home improvement and more time doing sit-ups… The girls in hardware stores I like are in short shorts, construction boots, crop tops and trying to get me to buy nails…this girl in a hardware store looks like a pregnant miserable welfare mom looking for supplies to make her nursery….up on some gender bending lesbian bullshit…it’s not cute… This kind of paparazzi shit – makes me laugh…TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Ashley Benson at the Hardware Store of the Day