Kim Kardashian is desperate to get pregnant with a second baby to “save her marriage” with Kanye West, a new report indicates … because obviously it does. The new story from In Touch, which recently sparked the family’s outrage by detailing Bruce Jenner’s life as a woman , will surely earn more disdain here. Predicting the imminent demise of Kimye, the tabloid claims their “eight-month marriage continues to fall apart and head toward divorce court.” Mmmkay. “Kim is in a panic over the thought of suffering through the humiliation of a third divorce,” says the magazine, “and has devised a plan to turn everything around.” The alleged plan is simple but profound: “Get pregnant ASAP!” Easy as that. Get knocked up, retain man. Rinse, repeat. Time is of the essence, though, as the source notes that “Kim doesn’t want to be dragged to court.” “Kanye loves [daughter] North West so much, she knows her plan to have another baby to keep him from ending their sham of a marriage will work.” Ironic, as this is a sham tabloid calling their marriage a sham . As Gossip Cop notes, and the reality star herself has been quite open about, Kim Kardashian’s second pregnancy attempt has been long, and hard. She was told before she got pregnant with North that she might never be able to conceive, and has referred to the little girl as her “Miracle Baby.” It’s no surprise, then, that it’s been tough going trying for #2. Still, there’s nothing to suggest that there’s any trouble in paradise with Kanye, despite every other celebrity gossip report you read about the couple. We hope she gets pregnant if that’s what they both want, and that the third time is the charm when it comes to people who have married Kim Kardashian. 9 Guys Who Got it in with Kim Kardashian 1. T.J. Jackson T.J. Jackson, Michael’s nephew, was Kim’s first love. It’s believed that he was her “first” in the physical sense as well.
Original post:
Kim Kardashian: Desperate to Get Pregnant to Save Marriage to Kanye West?