Tag Archives: even-if-nothing

Kim Kardashian: Desperate to Get Pregnant to Save Marriage to Kanye West?

Kim Kardashian is desperate to get pregnant with a second baby to “save her marriage” with Kanye West, a new report indicates … because obviously it does. The new story from In Touch, which recently sparked the family’s outrage by detailing Bruce Jenner’s life as a woman , will surely earn more disdain here. Predicting the imminent demise of Kimye, the tabloid claims their “eight-month marriage continues to fall apart and head toward divorce court.” Mmmkay. “Kim is in a panic over the thought of suffering through the humiliation of a third divorce,” says the magazine, “and has devised a plan to turn everything around.” The alleged plan is simple but profound: “Get pregnant ASAP!” Easy as that. Get knocked up, retain man. Rinse, repeat. Time is of the essence, though, as the source notes that “Kim doesn’t want to be dragged to court.” “Kanye loves [daughter] North West so much, she knows her plan to have another baby to keep him from ending their sham of a marriage will work.” Ironic, as this is a sham tabloid calling their marriage a sham . As Gossip Cop notes, and the reality star herself has been quite open about, Kim Kardashian’s second pregnancy attempt has been long, and hard. She was told before she got pregnant with North that she might never be able to conceive, and has referred to the little girl as her “Miracle Baby.” It’s no surprise, then, that it’s been tough going trying for #2. Still, there’s nothing to suggest that there’s any trouble in paradise with Kanye, despite every other celebrity gossip report you read about the couple. We hope she gets pregnant if that’s what they both want, and that the third time is the charm when it comes to people who have married Kim Kardashian. 9 Guys Who Got it in with Kim Kardashian 1. T.J. Jackson T.J. Jackson, Michael’s nephew, was Kim’s first love. It’s believed that he was her “first” in the physical sense as well.

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Kim Kardashian: Desperate to Get Pregnant to Save Marriage to Kanye West?

Bill Clinton: Accused By Former Child Sex Slave?

Though it’s the front page news in the UK, accusations that Prince Andrew (brother of Charles, Uncle to William and Harry) operated a child sex slave ring haven’t been of much interest to the American press. That may soon change, as Radar Online claims to have obtained an affidavit that names a number of high-powered American men as co-conspirators of Andrew’s, including former US president Bill Clinton. A young woman named Virginia Roberts claims to have been an underage prostitute who worked for Andrew and his friends for several years. In 2011, she stated that she had met Clinton during this time, but was never, in her words, “lent out” to him. Even so, it’s being reported that in recently filed court documents, Roberts states that she believes Clinton should be prosecuted for his involvement with Prince Andrew’s “child sex slave” ring: Roberts says she met Clinton in the US Virgin Islands when she was under the age of 18. She specifies that the former president never had sex with her or saw her have sex with anyone else, yet she considers him to be complicit in her victimization nonetheless: “If Clinton flew to an island where minors were being sexually molested, and did not report this to authorities, he could have committed a criminal offense,” Roberts allegedly says in her affidavit.  Roberts statement is part of plea to authorities to pursue charges against Clinton, as well as several other men, including prominent attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz has denied that he ever met Roberts and insists that Clinton “never set foot” on Andrew’s island. Clinton has yet to respond himself, but even if nothing comes of the charges, Roberts’ claims could well prove damaging. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign  is just beginning in earnest, and another Clinton sex scandal could torpedo her shot tt the White House right out of the gate. 15 Celebrity Scandals That Rocked 2014 1. Stephen Collins Admits to Molesting Children Stephen Collins gained fame for playing the Reverend Eric Camden on wholesome family series 7th Heaven. In real life, Collins has been accused of molesting several children, and has confessed to at least one sexual assault.

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Bill Clinton: Accused By Former Child Sex Slave?

Ashley Benson at the Hardware Store of the Day

Ashley Benson went to the hardware store…and some motherfucker went nuts with their iPhone and sold the pics to the paparazzi…or maybe this was the paparazzi that followed her into the hardware store…because seeing a dumpy bitch by tools, or supplies, to hang her fucking paintings in her million dollar home is erotic to them…it’s like she could hire someone to do it for her, but she’s normal, since 90 percent of people I talk to would have no fucking clue who she is, since Pretty Little Liars….reaches the demographic that kids and perverts who like kids are into… That said, I prefer when she’s tanning topless and the paparazzi get creepy pics …to hardware store creepy pics…even if nothing she does is that exciting…even starring in a much anticipated movie last year…wearing nothing but a bikini..didn’t get her viral..maybe she just needs to spend less time on home improvement and more time doing sit-ups… The girls in hardware stores I like are in short shorts, construction boots, crop tops and trying to get me to buy nails…this girl in a hardware store looks like a pregnant miserable welfare mom looking for supplies to make her nursery….up on some gender bending lesbian bullshit…it’s not cute… This kind of paparazzi shit – makes me laugh…TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Ashley Benson at the Hardware Store of the Day

Norman Alden Dies at 87

Norman Alden, a veteran character actor who starred in hundreds of TV shows, films and commercials over the years, has died at the age of 87. His family told The Hollywood Reporter that Alden – who made an estimated 2,500 (!) appearances on camera – died of natural causes in L.A. Frequently cast as a tough guy over his 50-year-career, Alden was also the voice of superhero Aquaman in the 1970s cartoon Super Friends. He also appeared in Back to the Future (above) and Ed Wood . Robert Alden’s career spanned more than half a century . He was in TV series such as Charlie’s Angels, JAG and Batman , where he played one of the Joker’s henchmen, and in AC Delco commercials. In the mid 1970s, he starred in episodes of spoof TV soap Mary Hartman before his character Coach Leroy Fedders drowned in a bowl of soup. On film, Alden also played Johnny Ringo in 1961’s The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp , and voiced Sir Kay in Disney’s The Sword in the Stone .

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Norman Alden Dies at 87

Rupert Sanders and Kristen Stewart Affair Lasted for Months, Relatives Claim

It was a one-time mistake . That’s the line Kristen Stewart is hoping will keep Robert Pattinson from leaving her, although early indications don’t bode very well for the future of Robsten . But is that claim even valid? Did Stewart really just make out with Rupert Sanders for a few fleeting moments? Or was this affair far more drawn out and calculating? Rupert Sanders likes what he sees at the premiere of Snow White and the Huntsman. Relatives of the Snow White and the Huntsman director say it’s the latter. They cite a photo of Sanders and Stewart in Berlin on May 15 as evidence, with Sanders’ brother-in-law