Tag Archives: potato-eating

Adriana Lima’s Modeling Bikinis of the Day

Mom Adriana Lima is modeling for Victoria’s Secret, because why the fuck not, they pay her a lot of money, she’s contractually obliged and as long as it’s from this angle, no one sees the remnants of the natural disaster that happened to her pussy and stomach thanks to child birth….and despite hating moms and everything that comes with them…despite being a stepfather…I can always appreciate good ass in a small bikini…It’s my theme song…and she’s lookin’ good enough for me. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the rest here:
Adriana Lima’s Modeling Bikinis of the Day

Kimberly Garner Modeling Bikinis of the Day

Who the fuck is Kimberly Garner and why do I want to sing her love songs outside her house until she calls the police because we’ve never met and that kind of thing is frowned upon in this society that is void of romance, or taking what you want. Well apparently she’s from the UK, but I don’t believe it, because she doesn’t look like a potato eating troll with no teeth, all grey skinned and full of warts, like most girls from the UK….in fact, she’s long and lean and lovely, especially when modeling bikinis… I’ve POSTED ABOUT HER BEFORE …and I’ll do it again…just as soon as I stop planning our surprise wedding….she’s good.

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Kimberly Garner Modeling Bikinis of the Day