Tag Archives: preferred-name

Kate Middleton Baby Portrait: Blame the Royal Baby Watch, Heat Wave

Looks like the Royal Baby Watch and the heat wave gripping much of the Northern Hemisphere are officially starting to make people insane. Exhibit A: Spanish artist Kaya Mar dropped off a “tribute” to the mom-to-be at St. Mary’s Hospital’s Lindo Wing – RBW ’13 Ground Zero – on Friday. His painting features Kate Middleton making like the Mona Lisa, nursing the royal heir(ess) and extending one slender leg out from under her robe. For whatever reason, one of Queen Elizabeth’s corgis is also there. This may be the weirdest thing of all time, but at least it makes Kate Middleton’s official royal portrait look … a lot less awkward and a lot more royal, for sure. Gotta be the heat. It’s driven Kate out of the palace and into her parents’ house because they have A/C, and now it’s driven Kaya Mar out of his mind.

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Kate Middleton Baby Portrait: Blame the Royal Baby Watch, Heat Wave

Sharknado Screenwriter Confirms: Sequel in the Works!

A Sharknado seque l is one step closer to becoming a reality. With star Tara Reid already on board for a follow-up to last Thursday’s Syfy movie, screenwriter Thunder Levin now says he’d gladly pen another film in this suddenly popular franchise. “It was like going to see Snakes on a Plane opening night in the theater,” Levin told Mashable of the social media reaction. ” Twitter users were yelling at the screen, shouting out lines and throwing virtual popcorn. It was great fun.” According Syfy , Sharknado delivered nearly 5,000 tweets per minute, although its actual ratings weren’t especially impressive. “I measure success by whether the audience enjoyed it,” Levin said . “We’re just trying to create entertainment here, so if people are happy and if they’re having fun with it, then I’d say it’s a success.” As for the Sharknado sequel? Levin says he likes the title SnailQuake . But we can do better, right, THGers? Sound off now with your preferred name for Sharknado 2? Sharkphoon Sharkeezus Sharnado 2: PSYclone Sharknader Sharknado 2: Lil Sharks View Poll »

Read the rest here:
Sharknado Screenwriter Confirms: Sequel in the Works!