Tag Archives: pretty-genius

Hank Baskett Tranny LOL of the Day

Kendra’s Heartbreak! Hank Baskett’s Transsexual Mistress Tells All Here is a pretty genius interview with Hank Baskett fucking a tranny to put him and his Playboy Trick and porn chick KENDRA WILKINSON …no seriously, not only was she an uninteresting Playboy bunny right before Playboy officially crashed and burned and sold themselves off to PORNHUB….but she also starred in some INBRED PORN that you will see if you care…cuz I EVEN HAVE A CLIP OF IT is not very good at all…and if you were married to that 20 years and two kids later…you may want tranny cock too… You see…when you marry a pornstar, you are already accustomed to all the cock they’ve had, you are a bit of a sexual deviant to begin with, and more importantly, when you’re a football player, always in the locker room with the boys, you’re not ever quite as straight as you pretend to be as you fuck a dude up the ass for team initation… Not to mention, more and more men are into tranny porn, the shit was the biggest selling titles in the mid 2000s when I worked in porn, and I assume it still is. Meaning, dude like tranny porn, dudes fuck trannies, it’s not entirely gay to fuck a tranny, it’s a whole new breed of sex that a lot of “rich and powerful” men partake in…and I say who fucking cares. Yes, I find trannies creepy, no I don’t like Tranny porn but I’ve been forced to watch it and hated it, but if was into it, I’d fuck a fucking tranny…and if I was married to Kendra Wilkinson, I’d fuck anything but Kendra Wilkinson… The highlight of the video is when she says – he was “erected”…either way, this video is going to put him out of his misery, cuz I am going to assume he’s dead…..

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Hank Baskett Tranny LOL of the Day

Top 3 SFW Porn Videos on Youtube of the Day

I’ve been a fan of these SFW / PG Porn videos and pictures since I fist saw the crude MS Paint sketches over porn pics a long time ago. Whether the PG Porn is just a comedic take on porn….or if it is a take on acts that happen on a porn set….or if it is an animation over actual porn…shit’s funny and worth watching Here are the best 3 PG Porn videos I found today…but keep in mind…I didn’t look too hard. 3- THis one is straight from Diesel Jeans and it’s a pretty genius marketing campaign that isn’t necessarily original, cuz PG porn has been going on for a while, but it is pretty fucking funny regardless. 2- Here’s SFW Porn with Jenna Haze, that is pretty much real porn, but without the sex. Turning the porn into a rock opera musical. 1- The freaks over at GGW break down some classic porn stunts from Creampies, Squirts, and Salad Tossing….with a couple of babes…clever enough for me to watch cuz the girls are in bikinis….

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Top 3 SFW Porn Videos on Youtube of the Day