Karen Nuernberg is a brazilian model who I wish was the model in the sex cult I have been trying to establish the last 20 years…that only allows hot models from other countries to be in it…and where initiation involves them choking me out while sitting on my fucking face…for 8 hours a day….a sex cult that all though seems genius in my sexual fantasies…and like the logical thing all girls should be a part of despite it having no upside at all…that I’m starting to lose confidence in ever happening…because I am shitty at organization, brain washing, abducting, and all that other good stuff that sex cults need… Luckily, GQ Italia, is a little better at getting things done…cuz she may not be choking me out at my command, but she’s still half naked….and that’s as good as it gets with this Karen Nuernberg babe.
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Karen Nuernberg is Amazing for GQ Italia of the Day