Tag Archives: price-airlines

The Top 37 Instagram Pics of Kanye’s “Mistress” of the Day

Remember – when reading this story – that Kanye is dropping an Album in 3 days. That people close to her have told me she never fucked him. This is all for publicity. Sure, she’s hotter than Kim, but so is a pile of dog shit. Sure she is like a pornstar without the porn…which is typical from girls from Quebec. It’s like the fallback plan is to be a stripper, so they all do what they can to look like strippers, in the event they ever need to be strippers. Usually these kinds of girls can be found at the local bar or club peddling drinks for tips that they use for cosmetic improvements and trips to Cuba or other Miami for DJ week because like all girls…They love guys with money, or fame, or status, from DJs to bar owners. Like all girls they love attention, so much that they change their FACEBOOK name from the stupid nickname they have been using since I’ve had her on FACEBOOK – to her actual fucking name so people can find her… Not humiliated by her new fame..but loving that it went viral and everyone is finally talking about her. She’s been waiting for this moment all her life. This is her big hit, the 5 minutes and we can all hope it leads to a sex tape. Even though she claims she never fucked Kanye. Remember the convenient thing in the story is that Kanye is dropping an album in 3 days, that Kim Kardashian needs this storyline, and that I am sure he’s fucking all kinds of things, mainly men, since he’s not even with Kim Kardashian, it’s all one big media blitz bullshit lie…. What we can gather from her instagram is that – 1 she loves her implants, because they make her face worth looking at. They get her all the tips and male attention so she shows them off. They are her BFF. 2 she likes when black guys ride the back of her canoe. 3 she has a thing for monkeys 4 she loves money 5 she loves headlining DJs. Here are her top 37 Instagram pics, cuz this shit hits close to home and I’m gonna cover it. Even if it doesn’t matter, is all lies, I just appreciate implants making moves…in the most simplistic and hilarious ways. IT’s nice to see dreams come true via vagina or by lying about her vagina,or by someone else lying about her vagina…because I have a feeling she didn’t even bang him….but I’ll ride this story hard.

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The Top 37 Instagram Pics of Kanye’s “Mistress” of the Day

Passengers of a Plane Believe They Can Fly of the Day

So the story is that passengers of Allegiant flight were stranded for 3 hours and decided to break into song, that song “I Believe I Can Fly”, which the one black passenger was nice to bring with him, just in case they had to do a little song and dance for the internet. The reason I am posting it, I couldn’t tell you. The quality is shit. the giggling annoying, the concept totally foreign to me, because I generally don’t talk to people on planes, you never know if they are terrorists (Hi NSA), and I know if I was on this plane, I wouldn’t be getting down like it was summer camp, I’d be going fucking crazy thanks to claustrophobia. Life lesson – never fly Allegiant. I mean regular price airlines fly to Vegas for 49 dollars, it’s almost pointless to rock the Discounters… Other life lesson, when life gets you down, all you gotta do is sing you way through it.

Passengers of a Plane Believe They Can Fly of the Day