Tag Archives: principal-gets

Pedo-Files: Manhattan Montessori Principal Gets Up To 7 Years In Prison For Having “Multi-Year” Affair With A Child

Manhattan Montessori Principal Gets Up To 7 Years In Prison Relationship With Underage Student This lady looks like she could probably pull a decent man of age, but hey, she must like the young meat… She tried arguing that she “faints” and has anxiety, and even that her boy victim had enjoyed it. But there was no mercy yesterday for Lina Sinha, the beautiful former headmistress of an Upper East Side Montessori school, who was finally sent away to serve at least 2 1/3 years in prison for her twisted and damaging sex affair with a student who was just 13. “This is a woman of every advantage, and she preyed on her victim for years,” Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Carol Berkman said as the predatory ex-principal stared glumly down at the defense table. “She hijacked his life as a child,” the judge said of the victim, who grew up to be a New York City cop and had compellingly taken the witness stand, describing years of trysts on class furniture and in a field-trip van with the Montessori School of New York headmistress he called “Miss Sinha.” “She did try to destroy his life,” the judge said. “So time has passed, but the victim has not regained the childhood the defendant has stolen for him, and I presume he never will.” Sinha, 46, had remained free on bail, pending appeal, for the five years since a Manhattan jury convicted her of a depraved predation that might never have been exposed. The victim came forward only as a police officer in training, after he finally broke off their nine-year “relationship” in 2004 and Sinha embarked on a rampage of vengeance against her former boy toy, including making bogus accusations of assault and rape and repeated 911 calls and Civilian Complaint Review Board allegations. “This case came at great personal embarrassment to him,” Assistant District Attorney Robert Hettleman, chief of the Manhattan DA’s child-abuse unit, said of the victim, whose courage he praised. The victim, whose name is being withheld, was a Queens-based, 24-year-old rookie when he testified against Sinha in 2007, and remains a cop, Hettleman said. Sinha spoke briefly, and tearfully, at the proceeding, wasting not a word on apologies or regrets. Instead, she went on about how difficult the past eight years have been for her and her family, and the great sacrifices she had made to become an educator, given her family’s money and “the many doors open to me.” “Most people thought I did a very good job” in education, she told the judge. “If you deem it fit for me to go to prison, then that is what I will do,” she said. “I have gone through their life savings,” she complained, referring to her family. “I have gone through my life savings a long time ago.” Sinha tried through veteran defense lawyer Gerald Shargel to argue for a reduction in sentence. She suffers from glaucoma and diabetes, and has fainting spells and anxiety problems, Shargel told the judge. This lady sounds like a trip. Her perverted azz needs to be locked up for preying on young boys like that. Source

Originally posted here:
Pedo-Files: Manhattan Montessori Principal Gets Up To 7 Years In Prison For Having “Multi-Year” Affair With A Child