Tag Archives: private-bradley

Bradley Manning, alleged WikiLeaks source, set up an early Facebook? Really?

Well, it’s a strange world out there. It’s been reported that the man accused of passing thousand of secret US documents to WikiLeaks was a tech geek who set up a primitive ‘social network’ at his school, years before Facebook appeared. Private Bradley Manning joined the US Army in 2007 and was posted to Baghdad, where he worked on classified army networks. He has been linked to the publication by WikiLeaks of a video showed a US Apache helicopter attacking Iraqi citizens and two Reuters journalists (“Collateral Murder”), the Afghan War Diaries (76,000 US military documents published by WikiLeaks in July 2010), 400,000 US war logs from Iraq, and 250,000 classified US diplomatic cables. He’s currently languishing in a US jail, awaiting a military court marshall. Founder Julian Assange is currently on the Interpol Wanted list. But before all that, back in 2001, he was a 13 year old boy, newly-arrived in Wales, UK, with his mother, herself recently divorced from a US citizen. Bradley joined the Tasker Milward school in the quiet Welsh town of Haverfordwest, in the same year. Channel 4 News has revealed that he quickly developed a reputation as a geek, designing a site which supposedly anticipated social networking sites, most likely some sort of community bulletin board. Former school friend Tom Dyer told the new channel: “Overall, Bradley was renowned for his IT skills.” Channel 4 details how Manning spent his teenage years growing up as something of an outsider, and was regularly bullied, but – at least according to his old school friends – developed what they imply was a strong sense of morality. However, he eventually dropped out of school and returned to the US shortly afterwards. The rest, as they say, is history. added by: toyotabedzrock

WaPo Runs Entire Story of Leftist Praise for Suspected Wiki-Leaker ‘Hero’ — With No Liberal Labels

On Saturday, The Washington Post devoted an entire article to left-wing praise and Facebook fan pages for Private Bradley Manning, suspected of the shocking leak of more than 90,000 documents on the war in Afghanistan. The headline was “Army analyst linked to WikiLeaks hailed as antiwar hero .”  Washington Post reporter Michael W. Savage (not that other Michael Savage) began: “For antiwar campaigners from Seattle to Iceland, a new name has become a byword for anti-establishment heroism : Army Pfc. Bradley E. Manning.” In the entire story, there is no liberal or leftist label used, and there is no conservative counterpoint quoted.  There are only “grass roots activists” offering praises to the audacity of Manning: The breach has elicited a furious reaction from national security officials, who say it has compromised the safety of U.S.-led forces and their Afghan allies. Yet, since his arrest in the spring, Manning has become an instant folk hero to thousands of grass-roots activists around the world, some of whom are likening the disclosure to the unauthorized release of the Pentagon Papers or the anonymous tips that helped uncover the Watergate scandal. Mike Gogulski, a U.S. citizen living in Slovakia, honored Manning as a “charismatic young whistleblower” linked to the “story of the decade,” and his group drew no label: The group co-coordinating Gogulski’s campaign, Courage to Resist, has developed a line of Manning memorabilia, replete with images of the boyish-looking private. There are “Save Bradley Manning!” badges, posters and T-shirts. The products’ tagline: “Blowing the whistle on war crimes is not a crime.” Their other motto is “Supporting the troops who refuse to fight!” They are clearly on the radical left, but the Post just calls them “peace campaigners” and other positive-sounding labels. The Savage story ended this way: Plans are being drawn up for an international day of solidarity . Andrew Burgin, spokesman for Britain’s Stop the War Coalition, said that whoever disclosed the classified material to WikiLeaks had done the public a favor. Although Manning has not been charged in connection with the more than 90,000 documents leaked to WikiLeaks, he has been charged in the disclosure of U.S. combat video footage showing a helicopter attack that killed several civilians in Iraq. Burgin said Manning should “be on a par” with Muntadar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who threw a shoe at George W. Bush during a Baghdad news conference in 2008. Peace campaigners hope that Manning’s rising profile will spur interest in their cause. “It is like the story of the boy who cried out that the emperor was wearing no clothes,” said Gerry Condon, president of Seattle’s branch of Veterans for Peace and a member of the Bradley Manning Support Network. “He’s really becoming a focus that could help revive what has been a somewhat weakened antiwar movement.” Daniel Ellsberg, who was imprisoned for leaking the top-secret Pentagon Papers in 1971, said he felt “great identification” with Manning. “He’s a hero to me,” he said. “I haven’t seen someone make an unauthorized disclosure on this scale, that would lead to serious charges, for 40 years. It seems he believed, as I did, the stakes involved justified that kind of risk.”

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WaPo Runs Entire Story of Leftist Praise for Suspected Wiki-Leaker ‘Hero’ — With No Liberal Labels

Human race to be extinct in 200 years

Yikes, did you know the “Brain of Britain” Stephen Hawking has said that he predicts the human race will come to an end in 200 years. Mr. Hawking also said that our only chance of survival is to get beyond .. http://itgrunts.com/2010/08/09/human-race-to-be-extinct-in-200-years/ added by: itgrunts

VIDEO Veterans & Activists Rally for Wikileaks Whistleblower (CNN)

Veterans and anti-war activists from several groups organized a rally for Wikileaks whistleblower Private Bradley Manning yesterday in Quantico, VA. Manning is being held in solitary confinement in a military brig in Quantico. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink told CNN, “We are here to say that if, indeed, he was the whistle-blower, then we are proud of him. We as Americans want to expose the truth of what’s happening in both Iraq and Afghanistan and we think that it will hasten the day to bring the troops home. We want our troops protecting us here in the United States, not fighting in what we consider unwinnable, unnecessary wars.” Private Bradley Manning, a 22 year old intelligence analyst with the US Army, stands accused of disclosing a classified video of American troops shooting civilians from an Apache helicopter. New evidence links Manning to the Afghan War Logs posted on WikiLeaks this week. He faces up to 52 years in jail for his role in the leak. The whistleblower behind the Vietnam era’s Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has called Mr. Manning a “hero.” CODEPINK participated in the rally with a diverse group of activists and veterans. Groups who participated along with CODEPINK in the rally were: Courage to Resist, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, ANSWER, Virginia Catholic Worker, Gray Panthers, World Can’t Wait, and the National Lawyers Guild. A counter-rally was organized by protesters and is also featured in the CNN video. added by: pinkpanther