Tag Archives: program-data

Wikileaks memo reveals Egypt’s Nile fears over Sudan

In the cable, written last year, a foreign ministry official urged the US to help postpone a referendum on independence for Southern Sudan. The official said the creation of “a non-viable state” could threaten Egypt's access to the River Nile. Cairo's Almasry Alyoum newspaper published the cable, one of thousands being released by Wikileaks. Southern Sudan is due to vote in a referendum on independence in January. But in the cable – from the US embassy in Cairo – the official talks of implications should south Sudan secede and concern is expressed about the River Nile – a lifeline for Egypt. Egypt has in the past threatened to go to war with any country tampering with the Nile. The official said the creation of “a non-viable state” could threaten Egypt's access to the Nile at a time when several countries are negotiating how to share the river's water. The official presses the US to help postpone the referendum by four to six years. Egypt clearly fears a new nation, Southern Sudan, would be more likely to side with the upstream countries of the Nile basin like Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. http://bit.ly/gEJyqq added by: ras_menelik

Market Celebrates Just Announced Record Foodstamp Usage By Closing At 2010 Highs

For those seeking a perfect explanation of what is happening in United Banana States of America right now, then look no further: the just released September Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program data is out and we are happy to report that the number of poor Americans has never been higher – SNAP recipients just hit a fresh all time high of 42.9 million. Naturally, the market celebrates the record number of poor Americans by closing at 2010 highs. No long-winded, somnolent essays, no rants, just observations. These two facts explain everything that is happening in this unrecognizable banana republic. Now that is a five year banana plan you can believe in. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/market-celebrates-just-announced-record-foodsta… added by: Dagum