Tag Archives: progress-nyc

Graph of the Day: Comparing Modes of Transport

The Infrastructurist points us to Matt Yglesias, who posts a chart comparing the energy use of different transport modes in BTUs per passenger mile. He notes: Today there seem to be almost 30 flights daily between Seattle and Portland. Clearly a lot of people are making the trip. If you built a high-speed rail connection, a lot of people would take tha… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Graph of the Day: Comparing Modes of Transport

Creating a Greener City, One Rooftop at a Time

Green roofs growing in New York City. Photos: Eve Mosher Putting a green roof on a landmark building — the city hall in Toronto or Chicago, a convention center in Vancouver , San Francisco’s California Academy of Sciences — has long bee… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Creating a Greener City, One Rooftop at a Time