Tag Archives: publicists-were

Victoria’s Secret Summer 2011 Catalog of the Day

Victoria’s Secret released the pictures from their summer catalog and as expected it looked like every single other photoshoot they have done the last two decades, because I guess they have a winning formula, but more importantly because they know we’ll look at it under any circumstances and they don’t need to invest in big concept photographers, they can get away publishing pics taken by local kids with their cell phones at each of these beach settings and we’d still try to jerk off to it….so here are the pics, no different than before, exactly as expected, like an old friend you’ve come to know and trust to help you cum…if you know what I mean..

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Victoria’s Secret Summer 2011 Catalog of the Day

More Hot Amy Winehouse Fake Tit Pics of the Day

I don’t know what I love more about Amy Winehouse….Her tits, or the fact that she got fake tit to distract the public’s attention of a drug overdose she was hospitalized for…it was like bitch was dying, brought in and her publicists were like “ok, how are we gonna spin this, we’ve already used exhaustion, I know, let’s get her fake tits then send her to the caribbean for 6 months to get fucked by black dudes, it’ll just be a matter of time before this all blows over”…. I think what I love the most about her is how damaged she is, despite having all that fucking talent and capacity to be bigger than fucking life, but instead chooses to self medicate and destory every opportunity, a quality I look for in all my hired girlfriends I get with an hour at a time…. She’s just all around amazing and I can’t pinpoint where my love for her stems from, I just know I want to smell her all over… Here are some more pics of her, I posted the Amy Winehouse Topless Pic of her this weekend, cuz I am quick like that, but sometimes it’s nice to see the build up to the nipples, so here you go….

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More Hot Amy Winehouse Fake Tit Pics of the Day

More Hot Amy Winehouse Fake Tit Pics of the Day

I don’t know what I love more about Amy Winehouse….Her tits, or the fact that she got fake tit to distract the public’s attention of a drug overdose she was hospitalized for…it was like bitch was dying, brought in and her publicists were like “ok, how are we gonna spin this, we’ve already used exhaustion, I know, let’s get her fake tits then send her to the caribbean for 6 months to get fucked by black dudes, it’ll just be a matter of time before this all blows over”…. I think what I love the most about her is how damaged she is, despite having all that fucking talent and capacity to be bigger than fucking life, but instead chooses to self medicate and destory every opportunity, a quality I look for in all my hired girlfriends I get with an hour at a time…. She’s just all around amazing and I can’t pinpoint where my love for her stems from, I just know I want to smell her all over… Here are some more pics of her, I posted the Amy Winehouse Topless Pic of her this weekend, cuz I am quick like that, but sometimes it’s nice to see the build up to the nipples, so here you go….

Go here to see the original:
More Hot Amy Winehouse Fake Tit Pics of the Day