Tag Archives: pull-the-kind

Elizabeth Hurley Not in a Bikini Promoting a Bikini of the Day

This is kind of a scam, if you want me to believe in your product, you have to come across in a way that makes me think you believe in it too, it’s just not good sales to be fully clothed, dressing up random whores to promote your shit, when you’ve got the tits and mom body to do it your fucking self….If anything it just makes me hate her clothing line…cuz I feel like she’s just slapping her name on it for a paycheck…instead of slapping her pussy on it and getting wet….

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Elizabeth Hurley Not in a Bikini Promoting a Bikini of the Day

Boris Becker’s Son’s Hustlin’ a Bitch in a Bikini of the Day

I guess my dream of being a tennis star’s son wasn’t researched well enough, cuz it turns out that obscure level of relevance based on fame and fortune by association, doesn’t pull the kind of pussy you’d expect your trust fund to pull, answering the age-old question that I am sure no one before me has ever asked, that it’s better to be the tennis player than the tennis player’s son… This brown lady gaga looks young, I probably shouldn’t be posting this….but I am anyway.

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Boris Becker’s Son’s Hustlin’ a Bitch in a Bikini of the Day