The Cosby Show aired from 1984 through 1992 on NBC. Simply put, it was one of the most iconic programs in television history, featuring an upper middle class African-American family and a comedian at the height of his powers. Since The Cosby Show went off the air, however, many of its main stars have gone off the rails. These days, unfortunately, many are better known for their scandalous behavior than for their roles on this memorable sticom. Catch up with various cast members below and see what we mean… 1. Bill Cosby, Then… As Dr. Heathcliff “Cliff” Huxtable, Cosby portrayed the cardigan-wearing doctor/patriarch of this famous fictional family. 2. Bill Cosby, Now… The famous comedian has been accused of rape and/or sexual assault by over 50 women, all of whom allege he drugged them and then took advantage of them. 3. Keshia Knight Pulliam, Then… How cute was Keshia Knight Pulliam as Rudy Huxtable, the youngest daughter in this famous fictional family? 4. Keshia Knight Pulliam, Now… Pulliam has a podcast called “Kandidly Keshia.” She also appeared on a season of Celebrity Apprentice, prior to her husband of seven months filing for a divorce from the actress and requesting a paternity test from her. 5. Raven-Symoné, Then… Raven-Symoné came on board later in the show’s run as Olivia, the step-granddaughter of Cliff. Look at that precious face! 6. Raven-Symoné, Now… She’s a panelist on The View and an outspoken bisexual. View Slideshow
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The Cosby Show Cast: Where Are They Now?!?