Tag Archives: purpose-other

J.Lo’s Ridiculous Facebook Video of the Day

I don’t watch soccer. I mean I don’t watch any sports, I find them all really homoerotic. Just a bunch of dudes running back and forth with very little purpose other than to win some arbitrary title that really doesn’t mean much…I get it, the whole athleticism and talent and all that other shit, even the excitement or whatever, but I find the whole thing dumb…but I guess not as dumb as the fans… That said, soccer has got to be the most ridiculous in terms of fan base. Shit is international, yet every soccer fan in the world has a faux hawk, Adidas tapered track pants and a look in his twinkle toe, light on his feet eyes, that if it wasn’t against the fabric of his culture, he’d suck dick.. NOw I am in to a lot of things gays are into, anal sex, drugs, hot model bitches…not having kids…getting my dick sucked all the time…but the closet cases…who would accept J.Lo and Pitbull as their opening ceremony act, because they are so fabulous, and even celebrate them because of the Latina connection…despite being 100 years old and not Brazilian…instead of turning it into a middle ages Gladiator death match…or riot like a soccer riot should be…but maybe I’m being too sensitive…I mean if J.Lo wasn’t booked for that nonsense, we’d never have this gem of her gyrating she posted on Facebook…she is resilient…she never gives up.

J.Lo’s Ridiculous Facebook Video of the Day


i went in to a local bbq resturant to pick up some great eats for when i got home as a birthday treat to myself, and noticed a sign i have probably seen a zillion times in that resturant.it is the tupe of resturant that has all sorts of reasonably funny signs posted through out like: “if you have a reservation your in the wrong place” or my favorite “this sign serves no purpose other than to take up space and waste the time of you the reader” while i was waiting for my dinner, i read a plaque that said: “i dunn been left by my man he dunn runned off wid my best fren i sho duz miss her” wich alone is a little sketchy to me, but who says it aint a slap at apalachian hillbillies too right.but i cant shake this feeling, cuz the plaque was shaped and painted like a slice of watermelon. did the turn of the century black stereotype some how stop being racist? did watermelom get taken off the table like horns with jews? the resturant was rib city by the way. just wondering if im missing something that makes this not racist. added by: freecrack