Tag Archives: text-the-girls

J.Lo’s Ridiculous Facebook Video of the Day

I don’t watch soccer. I mean I don’t watch any sports, I find them all really homoerotic. Just a bunch of dudes running back and forth with very little purpose other than to win some arbitrary title that really doesn’t mean much…I get it, the whole athleticism and talent and all that other shit, even the excitement or whatever, but I find the whole thing dumb…but I guess not as dumb as the fans… That said, soccer has got to be the most ridiculous in terms of fan base. Shit is international, yet every soccer fan in the world has a faux hawk, Adidas tapered track pants and a look in his twinkle toe, light on his feet eyes, that if it wasn’t against the fabric of his culture, he’d suck dick.. NOw I am in to a lot of things gays are into, anal sex, drugs, hot model bitches…not having kids…getting my dick sucked all the time…but the closet cases…who would accept J.Lo and Pitbull as their opening ceremony act, because they are so fabulous, and even celebrate them because of the Latina connection…despite being 100 years old and not Brazilian…instead of turning it into a middle ages Gladiator death match…or riot like a soccer riot should be…but maybe I’m being too sensitive…I mean if J.Lo wasn’t booked for that nonsense, we’d never have this gem of her gyrating she posted on Facebook…she is resilient…she never gives up.

J.Lo’s Ridiculous Facebook Video of the Day

The Best Picture You’ll Ever See of a Fit Jessica Simpson of the Day

When I think of all the things in the world I would like to see…an up short shot of mom of two or three Jessica Simpson, pushing 35, after gaining a losing a ton of weight, before having a baby shat out of her, and that was just from all the ribs she was eating, before saying “I’m a legit billionaire, I can afford a cook and trainer to follow me around all day, and I have a multi million dollar contract with weight watchers I would like to collect on, maybe I’ll stop being lazy for a fucking minute and get my shit together, it only takes 6 months to get fit if you try”….kinda thing… You see, that stretch mark filled mess…is not the promised land, it’s not the 90s anymore, if anything, it is a terrible fucking place that has seen terrible fucking things…but I’ll post this picture anyway, because virgin losers who read these sites are committed to specific girls, they are also in their 30s, cuz kids don’t need sites like this to find tits or ass…they just have to text the girls they know…and shit’s younger and fresher…new generation…

Go here to see the original:
The Best Picture You’ll Ever See of a Fit Jessica Simpson of the Day