Tag Archives: put-pictures

Nicole Kidman Makes A Nipply Hot Comeback

I don’t think I’ve done a post on Nicole Kidman in probably 10 years or more. But I guess it’s true what they say: if you want to revive your career and keep your 15 minutes going, all you need to do is find some random magazine willing to put pictures of you looking chilly in a swimsuit on their cover. What? That’s a real saying. I swear.

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Nicole Kidman Makes A Nipply Hot Comeback

Blake Lively Gets Me Going… Down There

Blake Lively and I must have something really special going on because I’m willing to put pictures of her up on my site even when she’s not really doing anything and she’s willing to look hot. Here she is on the set of Gossip Girl standing around doing nothing but look sexy and give me strange and wonderful feelings in my no-no spot. Although, it doesn’t really take much to get those feelings going, a nice pair of short shorts or a bumpy ride on the bus have pretty much the same effect on me. It can be quite awkward. Enjoy.