Tag Archives: questions-out

Kendall Jenner Grabbin Her Tits in a Magazine of the Day

Kendall Jenner is a delicate flower…who knows exactly what she’s doing thanks to her family of hookers…only to her advantage she’s a taller, skinnier, better looking version of those girls, and I like to look at it from the perspective that she used those half breeds and her mom to work for her….and pave the way for her…by doing all the bottom feeding shit, allowing this one to just walk in, doors already open…with opportunities that present themselves that she can pick and choose from.. Meaning, if she doesn’t want to get topless or need to get topless to pay her rent, but still gets topless, it is her inner slut behavior… So anytime you see her out whoring, like this photoshoot, it is all stuff she wants to be doing…which I like, because it takes any questions out of the equation…not that you had any questions about Kendall, she’s more the kind of gold that crawled out of the polluted uterus you don’t really pay attention to, but rather just stare at.

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Kendall Jenner Grabbin Her Tits in a Magazine of the Day