Tag Archives: raccoon-weaved

Alleged Miley Cyrus Stalker Goes Free

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Miley Cyrus The 53-year-old man accused of stalking Miley Cyrus will be set free today after he pled guilty to two misdemeanors. Mark McLeod was sentenced to 24 months probation after he was arrested near the set of a Miley movie

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Alleged Miley Cyrus Stalker Goes Free

Speidi: Trick or Creeps?

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Fashion , Heidi & Spencer , Jon & Kate 2008’s most hated married attention whores Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag dressed up in Halloween costumes yesterday as 2009’s most hated divorcing attention whores Jon Gosselin and his highlighted, bi-level, reverse mullet raccoon weaved estranged … Permalink

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Speidi: Trick or Creeps?