Tag Archives: race-related

Kate Hudson in a Dress of the Day

Here’s Kate Hudson…in a dress…showing some side tit…even though everyone knows that her Goldie Hawn Spawn ass is what makes Owen Wilson try to kill himself… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Hudson in a Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson in a Dress of the Day

Jojo Shows You Why Black guys Like Her Of the Day

I guess liking a girl doing the splits is not a race related thing…I figure all guys, black or white like this shit…and the only people who don’t like this are white dudes who are disgusted by white girls fucking black guys, which I assume most of you white trash are…because if you remember Jojo being jailbait who barely was, quitting her career to date a black dude for 8 years…before sneaking her way back into low level relevance…you’re probably not as influenced by hip hop as the people who have no idea who Jojo is… And what comes down to for me as a Mexican. I don’t care who or what any girl is fucking…as long as I get to watch….see pics of it..or hear the stories..because I’m a pervert..and figure if the girls don’t want to fuck, and they don’t…they might as well…demonstrate in pics and videos…because it is better than nothing, and really, less work…which works for this lazy limp dick motherfucker… The post Jojo Shows You Why Black guys Like Her Of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jojo Shows You Why Black guys Like Her Of the Day