Tag Archives: random-waiter

TipsForJesus is Pretty Ridiculous of the Day

I guess the Catholic church is up to some kind of PR Stunt, you know trying to take away the fact that they are pedophiles, but rather put focus on good, if giving some random waiter 10,000 dollars for his cocaine addiction is really doing good… You know, let Santa be the pedophile for a change, and anonymous acts of kindness for the lord and saviour take some of the heat… Sure this could just be some kind of prank, but there’s an instagram floating around called TipsForJesus and it made me laugh, because looking at the receipts, I can’t help but wonder why whoever this holier than thou 10,000 dollar tipper is rocking’ out a 6,000 dollar bill before the tip at some Chicago restaurant in the first place…seems pretty excessive…like maybe there’s some serious drinking involved…and dude has money to throw around… Either way…it’s gone viral..because it’ a good heart warming story to idiots everywhere…. Visit the INSTAGRAM

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TipsForJesus is Pretty Ridiculous of the Day