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Anna Kendrick for The Edit of the Day

Anna Kendrick has always been ugly to me, sure she’s skinny, but that face, mainly her mouth just annoys the fuck out of me, and makes me feel like I would probably throw up if I had to watch it eat, pretty much anything, including pussy, and I love watching girls eat pussy. That said, I read, yes, despite my broken english, and horrible spelling, I do in fact read, and I read recently that Anna Kendrick has no time to take nude selfies, and that she finds them dumb, so that there will never be any Anna Kendrick leaked spread asshole pics…with her vagina dripping all over her inner thigh… However, I would argue, that every girl has taken nude pics, even if was deleted right after, and that she’s lying to us, because if there is one thing actors have, it’s all the time in the fucking world. They work 6-8 weeks per movie, maybe if their lucky 6 months a year in actual on set work, where they do absolutely nothing for hours at a time. So nude pics would only make sense. Either way here she is for the edit, not nude, but nude enough…now if only they put a mask on her, I could probably jerk off to it. I’ve got standards like that, even though I have absolutely no standards. The post Anna Kendrick for The Edit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Kendrick for The Edit of the Day