Tag Archives: real-affection

From Models to Miniatures; 3D colorization!

I have MY favorites,….but if you like RPG/Comics/Science Fiction toys, models, and sculpture, you will probably want to browse through it all. This painter has a real affection for his subject matter,…is having FUN,…and it shows. ———modelpainter.com Link to the toy store– http://www.modelpainter.com/gallery.html http://www.modelpainter.com/images/639_The_Barbarian_Bust_12.jpg added by: remanns

Pam Anderson Bound For Britain?

While we can’t imagine the California blonde living anywhere but the beach, rumor has it Pam Anderson is looking to buy a home by the British seaside. A source says: “Pammy loves it in England and is looking at buying two houses, one in London and one by the sea. She has a real affection for the place and would love to have somewhere she can call home

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Pam Anderson Bound For Britain?