Tag Archives: real-challenge

Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day

Sarah Snyder looks like a good time. She’s some hip as fuck, cool as fuck, hipster as fuck girl who fucked Will Smith’s son, trying to do the ghetto rich and hooked up instagram life, and doing it well enough to get her ass out there in a hot tub, in photo, for her fans…which I am sure was a real challenge for a young slut who looks like a 12 year old cam girl… She steals bags, she goes to fashion week, she dates rich guys, she looks good…it’s living the white girl dream…ass out, tits out, party time…and now you old crusty perverts can sexualize her more without even being rich enough to buy her and that alone is magical. Thanks JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day

Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day

Sarah Snyder looks like a good time. She’s some hip as fuck, cool as fuck, hipster as fuck girl who fucked Will Smith’s son, trying to do the ghetto rich and hooked up instagram life, and doing it well enough to get her ass out there in a hot tub, in photo, for her fans…which I am sure was a real challenge for a young slut who looks like a 12 year old cam girl… She steals bags, she goes to fashion week, she dates rich guys, she looks good…it’s living the white girl dream…ass out, tits out, party time…and now you old crusty perverts can sexualize her more without even being rich enough to buy her and that alone is magical. Thanks JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day

What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2016 Ends, Baffles America Again

In a shocking, literally unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2015 came to a close and shook a nation to its core this morning. Millions of rattled American citizens were left reeling. Scrambling, desperate and wondering what the hell just happened, a nation turned to its phones and asked the million-dollar question: “What Time Is It?” Did you remember to fall back?! Seriously. Trending topics on the web Sunday morning include the likes of “Daylight Savings Time,” “What Time is It?” and “Local Time.” It’s chaos out there. Fortunately, The Hollywood Gossip is here to help make sense of it all. Here’s how we got to this point and what you need to do next: Earlier this morning, for the first time since March 2015, U.S. residents (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded … lucky) set their clocks forward. By one hour exactly. Jaws? Dropping. Just breathe, people. Everybody just calm the f–k down. We know this is a real challenge, but we have got you covered and we promise, we can navigate this mine field and get through it together. Alright. Now. Down to business. To keep you on an emotionally even keel amid the pandemonium, we put together a helpful visual guide to  Daylight Saving Time 2016  … There you go. A few moments ago, your life was in shambles. Now you’re fully in control of things again. Don’t ever say we didn’t do anything for you.

See the rest here:
What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2016 Ends, Baffles America Again

Deborah Mace Can Mace My Face Any Day

Since you guys liked her so much the last time, here’s another great photoshoot from French hottie Deborah Mace . Only this time she’s modeling lingerie instead of bikinis. I always appreciate it when models show how versatile they can be. But if Deborah wants a real challenge, let’s see how she looks in a set of bedsheets, or better yet, a handbra made out of a pair of dirty blogger mitts. I’m ready whenever she is. » view all 29 photos

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Deborah Mace Can Mace My Face Any Day

How the Underwear Bomber Got Through Security

People go nuts after security breaches. 'Why don't we start profiling?' 'Why don't we buy full body scanners?' 'Why not get air marshals on every flight?' I'm going to vote for banning the Solitaire.

Go here to read the rest:
How the Underwear Bomber Got Through Security

First Person Tetris

Link: http://www.firstpersontetris.com/ Think you're good at Tetris? Then you haven't tried this version

See the original post here:
First Person Tetris