Tag Archives: morning-include

Farrah Abraham: Donald Trump Is A Great Man!

Farrah Abraham is awful for many reasons. So many that you’d never be able to name them all, not even if you dedicated your whole entire life to it. You could spend the rest of your days pouring over her social media accounts, analyzing the annals of Teen Mom (LOL, annals), going over interview after interview. You could have a friend hold your eyelids open while you watch her sex tape so that you’d be forced to look at it, no matter how much it hurt you down to your very soul. (And it would.) No, you could go over all that and more, and in the meantime, Farrah would have done some new, awful thing. It’s a vicious, excruciating, never-ending cycle. And speaking of “vicious and excruciating,” one of the newer reasons Farrah is so terrible is her endorsement of Donald Trump . Last month, Farrah made it clear that she loves her some Trump in a number of social media posts. “Grab life by the pussy, bitches!” she wrote, referencing the leaked tape in which Donald condones sexual assault . In one post, she used a “She’s Not with Her” hashtag, and in another she referred to the entire Clinton family as rapists. “Should we have the first business man in history for president or should we have first women in history for president?” she asked, like that’s the fact that Trump is a “business man” is more relevant than all his recent atrocities. She’s not backing down, either, because she was just recently asked about Trump by some friendly paparazzi. And the things she has to say are so dumb that they will blow your damn mind. Farrah Abraham Endorses Donald Trump “I think Trump’s gonna be a good president,” she said. She didn’t even sound like she was joking. When she was asked if she was voting for Trump, she said “I’m voting for whoever I vote for.” “I don’t think I’m allowed to say who I’m voting for,” she added. “I think Justin Timberlake got in trouble.” Oh, honey . “I honestly think, you know, the Clinton family’s already been in there,” she went on. Then she actually said “For my daughter, I think Trump would be [the best candidate.]” She was asked if she thinks Trump has his own sex tape, she said “Probably,” and she added that “Maybe Hillary has one too.” This is the world we live in. Be afraid. Be very afraid. View Slideshow: 35 Dumbest Farrah Abraham Quotes of All Time

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Farrah Abraham: Donald Trump Is A Great Man!

Blac Chyna to Wendy Williams: You’re a 400 Pound Ass Bitch!

We’ve got a brand new feud, y’all. And it sure is a nasty one. It all started when Wendy Williams made the decision to talk about Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna on her show. Wendy Williams Trashes Blac Chyna She said that when the Kardashian family first made their way into the public eye, Rob was “smarter” and he had “more confidence.” But now, she theorized Rob has “given up.” “Chyna comes from the world of the pole,” she said, referring to Chyna’s stripper past . “I feel like this [relationship] is a great come up for Chyna,” she said, “and her come up is that she ran into this guy, and she’s taking advantage of everything.” “She and her mom Tokyo Toni come up off the backs of people who don’t see through their ruse.” “She’s not attracted to him,” Wendy insisted, not because of his appearance, but because of his lack of confidence . So to recap, Wendy’s theory is that Chyna saw in Rob a man she could use for money and fame, and she controls his every move because he’s not confident enough to think he deserves better. And Chyna most certainly did not appreciate that theory. She went off on Instagram, and … here, just check it out for yourself. “Wendy.. Wendy.. Wendy….you lost your motherf-ckin mind how? How dare you speak on me, my fiance, and my mom like you were at the Christmas table with us?!” “I find it so funny how you love to talk about Rob and his insecurities like at a point in time you wasn’t a fat 400 pound ass bitch on the radio!” “You telling him to put some bass in his voice? You want him to be like Kevin?” (Kevin is Wendy’s husband.) “Right you want Rob to put some bass in his voice and a fist upside my head next right? You want him to be like your husband?” “Rob is MY MAN! MINE! I love him for who he is which is why we are together.” “Therefore it doesn’t f-cking matter what you ‘Think’ or ‘Want’ him to be he’s not for you Bitch!” “Then let’s not talk about this Lil vendetta you have with my mom. Wendy Bitch you’re cruisin’ Honestly, truly.” “You go out there talking about my family like you just hit the pipe backstage!” “When I decided to do this show I knew I would be letting the world see us.” “But your horse face ass woke up on the wrong side of the stable and decide to go overboard with your f-ck boy comments.” “Bitch f-ck you ! ‘P’ body ass hoe.” Boy, she really told her, huh? This is very mature and obviously well thought out, and it’s not at all embarrassing . Good on you, Chyna. View Slideshow: Blac Chyna Photos: Her Most Scandalous, Sexy Pics on Instagram!

Read more from the original source:
Blac Chyna to Wendy Williams: You’re a 400 Pound Ass Bitch!

What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2016 Ends, Baffles America Again

In a shocking, literally unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2015 came to a close and shook a nation to its core this morning. Millions of rattled American citizens were left reeling. Scrambling, desperate and wondering what the hell just happened, a nation turned to its phones and asked the million-dollar question: “What Time Is It?” Did you remember to fall back?! Seriously. Trending topics on the web Sunday morning include the likes of “Daylight Savings Time,” “What Time is It?” and “Local Time.” It’s chaos out there. Fortunately, The Hollywood Gossip is here to help make sense of it all. Here’s how we got to this point and what you need to do next: Earlier this morning, for the first time since March 2015, U.S. residents (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded … lucky) set their clocks forward. By one hour exactly. Jaws? Dropping. Just breathe, people. Everybody just calm the f–k down. We know this is a real challenge, but we have got you covered and we promise, we can navigate this mine field and get through it together. Alright. Now. Down to business. To keep you on an emotionally even keel amid the pandemonium, we put together a helpful visual guide to  Daylight Saving Time 2016  … There you go. A few moments ago, your life was in shambles. Now you’re fully in control of things again. Don’t ever say we didn’t do anything for you.

See the rest here:
What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2016 Ends, Baffles America Again