Tag Archives: realize-their

Bella Thorne is a Degenerate Meth Head of the Day

Bella Thorne is what you’d call an “e-tard”…which is some raver kid retard that gets so caught up in the ecstasy that it eventually stops feeling good so she moves onto the opiates that the pills are cut with….heroin… So many of these raver, drugged up idiots, popping pills to medicate…because they are damaged and it’s the only way for them to stay alive..you know a slow, drawn out suicide… She’s working, but these exploited kids, when they get access to their money all end up overdosing when trying to have a good time, because they don’t realize their life is a fucking good time…it’s all they know and the pain is real.. Ultimately, she’s boring in her shameless pics, uninteresting, not the movie star of the past that is compelling, interesting, or someone you’d want to watch…and while dressed like she’s got her period, not good…but she’s got big tits so we’ll keep her alive. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne is a Degenerate Meth Head of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne is a Degenerate Meth Head of the Day

Rear Gear for Your Pet

Link: http://craftastrophe.net/2009/12/brow… Ever take a really great picture of your pet only to realize their chocolate starfish brown eye butt hole was front and center?

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Rear Gear for Your Pet

Ashley TIsdale’s Mother Dresses Like A Real Ugly 15 Year Old of the Day

Ashley Tisdale’s mother dresses like an Ashley Tisdale fan, you know like she’s 15 in her leggings and UGGS, probably because she is Ashley Tisdale’s biggest fan, since Ashley Tisdale buys her nice stuff and came out of her vagina, but the despite her best efforts, her face definitely wasn’t cooperating with this plan. You see this all the time, you know competitive mother’s, trying to compete with their teenage daughters for male attention, but the only problem is, they don’t realize their faces and vaginas look like a weathered pair of oversized leather boots….

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Ashley TIsdale’s Mother Dresses Like A Real Ugly 15 Year Old of the Day