Tag Archives: male-attention

Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele is rocking the push up bra…what a slut. She is on the hustle, I don’t know what she’s promoting, or why she is craving some male attention, or why she’s feeling hot and sexy, maybe she’s ovulating, LOL, I know dude’s don’t ovulate…. But she is on the hustle, she wants to be looked at….stared at….and I guess when you get plastic surgery or take hormones let the people see….as these people try to make happen…they live for it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Lea Michele Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele Bed Erotica of the Day

Lea Michele is out there promoting an album, ride that Glee fame as hard as you can and make that money….and she’s doing her promotional tour on TV shows and more interestingly she takes slutty pics of herself in bed….in her pajamas… I recently wrote this about Lea Michele who I called Sir Lea Michele…because I am comedic…so comedic…laugh people…laugh… Sir Lea Michele is on the hustle, I don’t know what she’s promoting, or why she is craving some male attention, or why she’s feeling hot and sexy, maybe she’s ovulating, LOL, I know dude’s don’t ovulate, but maybe she thinks she’s ovulating because she’s that into her role as lifelong woman, she needs to channel things women go through…or maybe she is a woman and I am just an asshole for calling her a dude due to her hard face, when she’s got a fit little body for a 30 year old, with some swollen, likely implant tits, making her face and her manly jaw irrelevant… You see, cuz when a girl in whoring out on her bed…she doesn’t face… The post Lea Michele Bed Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Lea Michele Bed Erotica of the Day

Mr Lea Michele Butt Shots of the Day

Sir Lea Michele is on the hustle, I don’t know what she’s promoting, or why she is craving some male attention, or why she’s feeling hot and sexy, maybe she’s ovulating, LOL, I know dude’s don’t ovulate, but maybe she thinks she’s ovulating because she’s that into her role as lifelong woman, she needs to channel things women go through…or maybe she is a woman and I am just an asshole for calling her a dude due to her hard face, when she’s got a fit little body for a 30 year old, with some swollen, likely implant tits, making her face and her manly jaw irrelevant…something we can assume she’s trying to prevent herself as a whole, with her voice of an angel, in whatever it is she’s promoting by getting half naked, because that’s how people promote things, in this “don’t sexualize me, let me sexualize myself, since sex sells world”…. The post Mr Lea Michele Butt Shots of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mr Lea Michele Butt Shots of the Day

Adriana Lima in Vogue Brasil of the Day

This is really uninteresting pictures of Adriana Lima for Vogue Brasil…but I guess she’s Brazilian pride, who has left the most violent alleys of Rio…and Zika virus…where Olympic Athletes are starting to fill up their athlete villages…where they are getting abducted, robbed and gunpoint and diseased enough to make babies with mini-heads…to make it in the world on the international scale… But who Brazil can reference when they need some good press, like sure people get killed everyday on the streets shopping innocent multiple times a day here, but have you seen Adriana Lima, that bitch was hot right? Go Brazil! The post Adriana Lima in Vogue Brasil of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Adriana Lima in Vogue Brasil of the Day

Lara Stone for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Lara Stone is looking good for an old sloppy model – in this shoot for Love Magazine. Maybe I am just into slutty pictures…of sluts… Lara Stone is actually a pretty top earning busty model who poses topless for fashion on the regular….has huge tits and I think she’s lovely to look at… BUt that may be because her team tried to sue me for posting pics of her and her fat husband, comedian David Williams, on their honeymoon…and I fucking love girls who hate me… You know a NO WAY, NEVER, Fuck Yourself…from a girl makes me want to fuck her more…it’s less rapey than it sounds… Well, she’s divorced now, because I guess tits only remain appealing for so long, eventually the shitty personality starts to get training – especially when you have other pussy options…or maybe she’s the one who cheated to advance her career and feel hot…models, you know they like their pussies filled withe that constant male attention affirming they got it going on as they know they are aging and no one actually cares about them… But we care about them tits…so here she is in another slutty shoot…because she’s still got them in her…but the real question is what else she’s got in….or has had in her to get to this point….something to think about. The post Lara Stone for LOVE Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lara Stone for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day

Iggy Azalea is bullshit, but not as bullshit as her ass, an ass she’s posted to her social media to get that male attention she craves, otherwise she’d never have got the ass implants in the first place to milk to every black guy she could – especially those in the music industry who could help her get out there with her shitty rapping – before settling with pro athletes who I guess are rich and a better way to spend getting fucked from behind… She’s some fucking clown, but instead of a red nose and floppy shoes, she went with the ass…and she’s committed to it…like she’s committed to all the other lies about her. I’m not a fan of anything she’s done, ever. Just garbage but I’ll post her shameless butt shots because I bottom feed. The post Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day

Corrie Lejuwaan Model Nipples of the Day

Corrie Lejuwaan has model tits…that she’s showing for some photographer named Mario Kroes…. She’s not just an instagram model, she’s a signed model, with modeling agencies you’ve never heard of, but that are still modeling agencies, that allows these girls to be “I’m a signed model”…even if she’s only made 20,000 dollars or less in her lifetime modeling….thanks to modeling agenies signing everyone…even girls who don’t do the artistic fashion nudes..to get noticed or a following….but who do fuck rich people, and do trashy nudes for their instagram… Every girl is a model now, even fat girls…which is pretty fucking lame, diluting what was once a magical thing, but it still involved egotistical, vain girls posing…just way fucking more of them…and I guess the more the merrier..I guess….who needs these girls holding normal jobs, or being forced into porn to fill their need for male attention…right… The post Corrie Lejuwaan Model Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Corrie Lejuwaan Model Nipples of the Day

Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day

There must be some deep rooted psychological, or even genetic coding, that may be a product of evolution, you know being the most desirable pussy in the room, in some animalistic way to lure the most eligible cock in the room…to keep the human race going…. Because why else is every single girl compelled to post panty pics on social media…sometimes topless…sometimes…in different poses, or staged photoshoots… Is it a mob mentality? Do people get their egos massaged doing this? THis is X-Tina Aguilera, she’s rich as fuck, she’s been jerked off to more than most girls are in a lifetime. She was hot shit in the late 90s…she’s rich as fuck…she’s a mom…go do mom things…why the fuck is she flashing her panties… Not that I’m complaining about this mob mentality, all girls doing it, I just don’t get it…why?! Is it a daddy thing, male attention thing? Someone explain why everyone wants to be naked or half naked on intagram…it’s so fucked. Here’s her caption: Just so you know with me, it’s all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys… And it’s just the beginning. Night night. X Weird. The post Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day

Hailey Clauson for Some Catalog Shit of the Day

Hailey Clauson is a model who gets a lot of hype, who is booking a ton of campaigns, who everyone loves, even though her claim to fame was suing one of her clients after she shot erotic content for them when she was underage, in what anyone with a brain would know was a set-up to cashout….something that would make me never hire her for jobs, but that I guess she played victim on, and instead still gets work….but I know what she’s capable of. The same kind of girl who cries rape, or tells the police you beat her up after she smashes her own face with a frying pan, all to fuck you over…..only hot enough to warrant putting up with…because hot girls get away with everything!

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Hailey Clauson for Some Catalog Shit of the Day

Kesha Erotica of the Day

Kesha has been posting some naughty pics on her instagram, but I am not sure if it is as naughty as what she would do to her producer she is suing because she wants to get in the media, wants to get out of a contract, or because he actually did make her do dirty things, things you’d assume would make him a depraved monster, if you saw what Kesha looked like in the time frame these things happened… I guess there are two kinds of rape victims, or molested victims, the kind who go lesbian…you know the dick haters…and the kind that become sexual deviants who crave any and all male attention…. I would assume Kesha wasn’t ever molested, and that she is in fact the one doing the molesting with her shitty songs…to the entire nation…but ultimately, who gives a fuck…. Here’s some weirdo gay as fuck twerk video A video posted by Kesha (@iiswhoiis) on Jan 29, 2015 at 8:12am PST Here’s the bikini… TO SEE HER IN A BIKINI CLICK HERE

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Kesha Erotica of the Day