Tag Archives: know-the-girls

Ariel Winter’s Ambitious Outfit of the Day

Ariel Winter is pretty bold in her outfit choices. She just puts it out there – which makes sense since her existence, privacy and life has been robbed of her…as has her childhood and I’m sure there are a lot of fucked up stories like she was a new generation of Lohan..with parents on her ass telling her not to fucking ruin it….who had her under their control…and the day she turned 18…she existed, her reduced tits sloppy and dangling everywhere she went – in some kind of protest her creepy fans who have watched her grow up masturbate to… I am not a fan, but today…she looks less fat than she did last week…I guess she’s still a growing girl who theoretically can get her metabolism going with a bit of fitness…for now she’s ok, just a little on the heavy side by it’s at 30 you’ll want her to cover the fuck up…because she’ll be 400 fucking pounds… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter’s Ambitious Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter’s Ambitious Outfit of the Day

Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day

Iggy Azalea is bullshit, but not as bullshit as her ass, an ass she’s posted to her social media to get that male attention she craves, otherwise she’d never have got the ass implants in the first place to milk to every black guy she could – especially those in the music industry who could help her get out there with her shitty rapping – before settling with pro athletes who I guess are rich and a better way to spend getting fucked from behind… She’s some fucking clown, but instead of a red nose and floppy shoes, she went with the ass…and she’s committed to it…like she’s committed to all the other lies about her. I’m not a fan of anything she’s done, ever. Just garbage but I’ll post her shameless butt shots because I bottom feed. The post Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Iggy Azalea Shows Off Weird Ass of the Day

Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day

Rihanna’s merch for her upcoming show is her naked. This means that Rihanna fans will be walking around with Rihanna tits on their chests… Which brings the important question of who actually listens to Rihanna or buys her bullshit merch.. I am sure there are a lot of 35 year old women who were into her first album and who go to her concerts for fun in their miserable lives….you know the girls were were 15 when Rihanna first hit…. But I’d think the people buying merch are actually 13 or 14 year old kids using their parent’s money, because no one would buy this shit with their own money…. So elementary and middle schools everywhere will be littered with Rihanna tits..and that’s a pretty good troll…or I guess “marketing”….if marketing involved 13 or 14 year old girls recreating this shit with their iphones – to get dudes like you arrested…for liking it – when you shouldn’t – they are 14 you freak… I am not against nudity on shirts, in life, so I think it’s godo to see Rihanna bring it….but it’d be better if she had better tits… The post Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day

Edita Vilkeviciute for 032c No. 27 of the Day

Edita Vilkeviciute is what I like to call a titty model, even though all models are technically titty models nowadays, you know since tit for fashion has become the norm, something we embrace, and where titty models are a thing of a past…you know in an era there was Fashion Models, Titty Models, Pornstars…. Now the low level name or what I like to call the derogatory term for low grade attention seeking models who make no money – and who are too short and too dumpy to get a real modelling jobs…but who get naked…you know the girls we would call titty models in the past…is Instagram Model. Edita Vilkeviciute is not an instagram model…she’s straight from Lithuania and she’s avoided being sold off in the sex trade – and is instead doing this amazingness….and I am all about it…

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Edita Vilkeviciute for 032c No. 27 of the Day

More Slutty Miley Cyrus Selfies of the Day

It amazes me when people act so shocked when celebrities post selfies and nudes. They all criticize them for being narcissists who can’t get enough of themselves, when I figure the fact that they are celebrities in the first place is enough proof of that to begin with, and at least when they post their selfies, they monetize by connecting with their fans who pay them and make them famous. It’s like if anyone should be a narcissist it should be a celebrity…and all these other motherfuckers doing the selfie movement – for their 400 friends who hate them – are the real issue… So as long as Miley keeps posting these pics of herself without a bra on because she loves herself…I’ll keep looking.. I mean sure I’d rather no one else was looking because that will destroy this attention seeker and her hired staff who praise her enough to make her next level her shit…but I take what I can get…

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More Slutty Miley Cyrus Selfies of the Day

Edita Vilkeviciute for Calvin Klein of the Day

Edita Vilkeviciute is what I like to call a titty model, even though all models are technically titty models nowadays, you know since tit for fashion has become the norm, something we embrace, and where titty models are a thing of a past…you know in an era there was Fashion Models, Titty Models, Pornstars…. Now the low level name or what I like to call the derogatory term for low grade attention seeking models who make no money – and who are too short and too dumpy to get a real modelling jobs…but who get naked…you know the girls we would call titty models in the past…is Instagram Model. Edita Vilkeviciute is not an instagram model…she’s straight from Lithuania and she’s avoided being sold off in the sex trade – and is instead booking major campaigns that probably pay more than 100k for Calvin Klein, where she isn’t showing her tits…in fact where it’s more about this hairless chiseled man and his spread leg crotch shot – than her…probably because only fags wear Calvins. Who knows. I prefer her NAKED

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Edita Vilkeviciute for Calvin Klein of the Day

Gabby Harrington Bikini Shoot of the Day

Gabby Harrington is some low level model I follow on instagram, because that is the whole point of instagram, it’s finding the new pussy that the industry hasn’t abducted yet, you know the girls who still model for free and are as hot if not hotter as the high paid models, who work hard to get noticed and increase their likes by posting ass pic after ass pic after ass pic and in Gabby’s case….legs and legs for days…and for some reason I like the young up and comers self starting and self promoting far better than the tired bitches with a high day rate and ego…they are way more fun to try to sext.

See the article here:
Gabby Harrington Bikini Shoot of the Day

The Least Compelling Victoria’s Secret Video of the Day

I think this video that was released yesterday as a sneak peak of the 2013 Victoria’s Secret Swim collection is pretty representative of just how little they care about their marketing, cuz they know shit sells itself, and they know the girls they kidnap and lock into a career long marriage, who they own and who they turn into celebrities like some kind of pimp if this was the 1800s and Victoria’s Secret was that the back room is a brothel…. Their caption was captivating… Lindsay Ellingson, Candice Swanepoel, Barbara Palvin, Lais Ribeiro, Doutzen Kroes, Erin Heatherton and Karlie Kloss tease the Victoria’s Secret’s Swim 2013 collection in this 15-second online-exclusive video. It’s like motherfuckers don’t even need to work anymore – all they need to say is hot bitches in Bikini – Go Look – Go Buy…. Pretty fucking crazy…but for some reason, a reason I call hot tits, hot bodies, brainwashing – I’m sucked into this 15 second shitty edit the CEO’s kid probably made for his 6th grade media class….but to me it is a masterpiece…

Originally posted here:
The Least Compelling Victoria’s Secret Video of the Day